No. 10. It is the day you have the best chance of procrastinating. If your boss dumps a project in your lap today, you know you have the weekend to complete it, at least. It’s a great day for all around phrases such as, “I’ll get to that next week” or “Wow, sounds like a great thing to tackle on Monday.” (I should point out for my globally minded readers that in Saudi Arabia and Iran, Friday is the last day of the weekend, and Saturday starts the work week. So there you have it, or as the British say: “And, Bob’s your uncle.”) 

No. 9. Friday is the derived from “day of Venus”, and whether that means anything to you or not, it seems apropos that in the United States, we’ve adopted something of a Casual Friday in the corporate world (also dress-down Friday or Aloha Friday) where big business tries to feel more like entrepreneurial businesses do around the office. In England and Australia, Friday is sometimes called POETS Day and stands for the less than eloquently phrased: Piss Off Early Tomorrow’s Saturday. Presumably, since they feel that way in England and Australia, folks are dressed more casually, too! At least I hope so. 

No. 8. Entrepreneurs know Friday is a chance to do much of what you’ve been doing the rest of the week, but to do it with more abandon. Ergo, if you work from home, you might stay in your pajamas longer; or brew two pots of coffee; or perhaps, linger over your favorite blogs or the like for inspiration.  

No. 7. And the seventh best reason to love Fridays? Follow Friday on Twitter! I love recognizing great folks on Twitter and love it when somebody does a shout out to me in return. It’s a Friday love fest, and some predict it will end soon, but until it does, Fridays are more fun because of #FollowFriday. 

No. 6.  Good Friday, commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus, is the Friday before Easter for Christians. Of the important, specific Fridays, this is the holiest in the Christian calendar. And therefore, quite worth noting on this list. 

No. 5. The fifth best reason to love Friday? Because today isn’t Black Friday. In the U.S., we use the term to connote historical financial disasters. Knock on wood, please, as you read this. (Oh, and as you know, we also call the shopping free-for-all the day after Thanksgiving Black Friday, but that is just set up for personal, not global, financial disaster.) 

No. 4. Fourth best thing about Friday? Ask any real estate agent you know, if you are thinking about getting into the real estate market, this Friday is a great day to begin your new home search. Especially if you qualify for the government’s first-time homebuyer credit, there has never been a better time to buy a home. Seriously. If you’re on the fence, make today the day you leap off. Signs are showing improvement in the market, and you don’t want to miss your chance. 

No. 3. And the third reason why Friday rocks? If you have school-aged kids, you can feel the Friday exhilaration from them, too! Sure, during the summer, the Friday relief isn’t as palpable, but as with any learned behavior, Friday habits are hard to break, so I know a Friday has arrived when my little people have an extra spring in their step. And that makes me have one, too. 

No. 2. And the second most important reason to love Fridays? Date night. Yay! Ok, so even if you’ve been married a long time (like me), it’s great to go on a date and Friday is that night. And, of course, if you’re not married, Friday is really that night. (Ah, the good ‘ol days.) 

No. 1. And the top reason to love Fridays? Vacations often start on Fridays! Mine did. Yippee!