You recognize passion when you see it, don’t you? It’s that sparkle in a person’s eye, the spring in her step. Passionate people exude pure, real energy. Confidence and a sense of empowerment. Everything they say is infused with enthusiasm.

We all recognize it – and hopefully – we all want passion in our lives. Unfortunately, the road to finding and remaining true to your passions is littered with the realities of life. Disappointments and setbacks abound, no matter your age, no matter whether there is a recession or not. (Although, it’s especially true today.)

Disappointment is a fact of life. These events hurt our hearts and dampen our fire. Did you know Lucille Ball was kicked out of acting school and told she had no talent? True. But she didn’t let that hurt keep her down, or dampen her passion for acting.

So if your passion has taken a beating lately, brush it off. Stand tall. Get a little sparkle in your eye. Don’t let the passion poppers – whether they are snarks or events outside of your control – make you give up. You are better than that. You are much more.

You are a passionate entrepreneur taking your personal brand into the world as a unique competitive business. Remember, it’s not who you think you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.

Don’t let anyone or anything tell you differently! For more on passion, and putting it into action, see Chapter 2 of Real You Incorporated.