So excited to welcome Bonnie to my blog! Aside from a last name almost as hard to spell as mine (Sturdivant Rouda), we have so much in common!  Welcome Bonnie!
It’s such a pleasure to be here, Kaira. Thank you for inviting me to the Real You

Besides writing, what are your
other passions/hobbies?
My passions include animals (especially cats), spending time with close friends and family, romantic comedies, spiritual books (especially those dealing with life after death), classic movies, Italian food, fine wine, politics, bike riding, and long walks in pretty places.

If you could live anyplace on
earth, where would it be? Why?
I’d love to live in Tuscany (as you may guess by my descriptions in Wedlocked) because it has great wine, delicious food, friendly,
fascinating people, and it is one of the most exquisite places on earth. Now
all I need to do is learn Italian!

How long have you been writing? I’ve been writing since grade school. I loved when we were given creative writing assignments. While lots of kids moaned about them, I was secretly thrilled, as writing came naturally to me. In high school and college, English was my best subject. When I graduated, I started writing screenplays while working other
jobs. It wasn’t until I was thirty that I finally got published in a national
magazine and felt comfortable calling myself “a writer.” After a few more
articles I got my first day job writing for a small newspaper in Phoenix, and then a bigger one in Los Angeles. I also found lots of freelance work in the entertainment industry,( ie. writing scripts for children’s videos, adapting screenplays into children’s books.) Later, I did lots of copywriting and public relationships before landing my dream job as senior writer/copy chief at Book-of-the-Month Club. What could be better than reading good books and writing about them? I can only think of one thing: writing my own books! I
finally did and it was published in June 2011. A second is on its way.

Is there some place special you like to be when you write? There are a few different places in my home that I like to write depending on my mood. I have a small office with a roll-top desk which I suppose is the most ergonomically correct place to write. However, for a change of pace I’ll set myself up on the couch in the downstairs den, and on nasty, cold days I love to write from bed.

Do you listen to music or do you need a quiet place to write? Much as I love music, I can’t play it while I’m writing. I find that the lyrics get in the way of creating word flow and dialogue. Hmmm…maybe I should try some classical though. (Me, too, Bonnie!!)

Tell us about Wedlocked: My book is a romantic comedy called Wedlocked: A
. It is a stand alone book, although interestingly, an awful lot of
people have been asking me for a sequel.

Where did the idea come from? The book is based on my first brief, unfortunate marriage, so not surprisingly the protagonist is very much like me. Readers are often shocked to learn that some of the most bizarre, over-the-top scenes in the book are actually true.

     Wedlocked is the funny, engaging story of Rebecca Ross, a thirty-six-year-old struggling actress who lets years of disappointment and heartache catapult her into a disastrous marriage and onto a honeymoon from hell. There are also some compelling, underlying themes, including: pursuing dreams, mother-daughter strife, finding love, and finding

Your other work: I have two books coming out in 2012. The first is another romantic comedy, although I’m not ready to release the title of it yet. The second is a humor book
inspired by all the laws of attraction books on the market. It’s called The Fine Art of Delusional Thinking.

Where can readers connect with you?

I would love to hear from readers! You can contact me here:



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