Yes, it’s a sad fact. Writers must also become business people today. Why is that sad? Well, if you’re a writer/creative type like me, you’re typically relatively messy. Or, um, very messy. Disorganization is my natural occurring state. Just ask my husband. When we were married, I told him: Love me. Love my piles. For the most part, he’s pretty good about my piles…they are sort my major to-do lists. Then there are the random scraps of paper littering my writing desk – those are my actual to-do lists. And finally – much like my protagonist Kelly in Here, Home, Hope – there are the post-it notes covering a number of surfaces around our house.
I’ve got a lot to do, I explain, when my lists and piles get out of control. Today, though, a cautionary lesson on too many to-dos. As I was at my desk writing, somehow, one of those lists fell to the floor and was promptly chewed up by my puppy. Not kidding. The dog ate my to-do list!
Ok, but that didn’t really have to do with the business side of the writing business. Right now, I’m trying to get organized for the release of my next novel, called All The Difference. I’m excited about its due date in March, but boy do I have a lot to do.
And, I have a lot of different lists of action items: Contact bloggers. Reviewers. Create marketing pieces. Eghads. So today, I’m consolidating lists. Trying to piece together the one Tucker tore apart and get organized.

That’s part of the business of being an author. So, even though it’s the part I am really not so good at, I’m going to try to get organized today. Wish me luck!