I am so excited to be a part of the Authors in Bloom event – and I hope you will find it fun, too. My part of the Authors in Bloom giveaway is a digital copy of both my new novel, ALL THE DIFFERENCE, and my short story, A MOTHER’S DAY. I’d love for you to win those prizes, and of course, to win the grand prize of the blog hop!

As part of this blog hop, you could win a Kindle or a Nook. That’s awesome, but what’s even better… if you hop on over to all of the participating bloggers, you will find fun tips and recipes.
Here’s mine: Vegetable Flower Snack

Cherry Tomatoes
Red apple or Kiwi
Leaf Lettuce
Dip (yougurt, ranch, peanut butter)

What to do:
Cut the cucumbers in slices and make a circle, filling the inside. (5-6 slices) Add two more layers of cucumbers each using less slices and alternating spots to make it look like a flower.
Place a celery stick (cut to desired size and thickness) at the bottom of the flower to create a stem.
Place a cherry tomato in the middle of the flower to add color.
Use the leaf lettce as leaves on the flower.
Using your red apple or kiwi cut small wedges and form a flower using another celery stick as the stem.

Place the small carrots at the bottom of the creation to imitate grass.

Use yogurt, ranch dip or peanut butter to dip your creation in and enjoy!

You will need this for the Grand Prize: #Line 50: It seems like only yesterday my daughter was a little girl.

Ok, so this is my first attempt at participating in a multi-blog hop. I am on a much-needed vacation and this is true, I forgot my computer. This really doesn’t happen to me. But it did. So, for the complete details of this amazing blog hop, please visit A Cozy Reader’s Corner and everything will bloom for you! This Authors in Bloom Blog Hope contest is open until April 18, 2012. Same as my offer! Good luck!