Welcome to my part of the Author’s in Bloom Blog Hop Tour! I am happily giving away a signed copy of my debut novel HERE, HOME, HOPE and a copy of my mystery, ALL THE DIFFERENCE! Leave a comment here and then hop to all the other fabulous authors and discover reading and gardening tips galore! For all the contest rules and details, please visit the Authors in Bloom landing page at www.acozyreaderscorner.com.
And by entering, you’re also be ALSO be eligible for the GRAND PRIZE – a Kindle Fire or Nook (winner’s choice) and a $25 gift card for the same.

Please leave comments on my blog to win! Winners announced on April 19th, 2013 (US and Canada only)!

Here’s a tip: Don’t ever sign up to be part of a blog tour on your moving day. (My apologies for the late post, Diane!)

For a gardening tip: This is the coolest idea, I think! When I got married 23 years ago next month, my bouquet was green and white. Beautiful. Secretly, my mom saved a few clippings from the bouquet before I tossed it, and grew them. In particular, a wonderful spider plant. On our fifth wedding anniversary, my mom gave me the wedding plant. It has now moved 7 times, including across country. Last night, I transplanted the wedding plant into its new pot in our new home. It has been through a lot but hopefully, it will last another 23 years!

Good luck to you if you enter the contest and be sure to visit the landing page for a list of all the other wonderful authors in bloom!