She’s a pioneer in her field, dedicated to restoring wellness in patients with chronic pain.

thuyBowyer_smallWe’re talking about Thuy Bowyer, owner of M. T. Wellness Clinic in Columbus, Ohio. In 1975, 12-year-old Thuy and her family fled Vietnam two days before the fall of Saigon. Overnight, they went from a nice home and a privileged lifestyle to the harsh life of a refugee. But hard work and determination turned Thuy’s life around. In 2004, she founded M. T. Wellness Clinic, a provider of medical restorative therapy. The following year she opened the M. T. Wellness Masters Center, an advanced training program for the profession. And recently she was honored as one of Central Ohio’s Twelve Outstanding Women Leaders for 2008 by the Women for Economic and Leadership Development.

Clarifying Her Vision

Filled with compassion, Thuy initially went into massage therapy to help relieve her mother of lower back pain. Through that experience she discovered her passion for helping others reduce pain and restore physical function. She envisioned the potential for bringing quality of life to her patients by using a new and emerging discipline—medical restorative massage therapy.

Taking the Lead

A born leader, Thuy was determined to develop the profession by helping future therapists broaden the scope of their practice. “I believe in bringing out the hidden talent in each one of my employees and encouraging the awareness that we can all benefit from each other’s greatness,” she says. Thuy’s employees know that she is real—that she’s not only about creating a new and valued discipline, but she also wants to make a difference in the financial and professional rewards of her therapists. A pioneer and a leader, she’s like a marathon runner, focused and committed to completing the race!

Today, M. T. Wellness is thriving. The company works with more than 70 physicians in central Ohio, and the business has doubled in the last two years. Creative leadership and a clear vision have made the difference.

To learn more about being a creative leader, read Life Lesson 13 in Real You Incorporated: 8 Essentials for Women Entrepreneurs.

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