lisaHinson_smallCall her the quiet warrior. Calmly and patiently, she just gets the job done.

We’re talking about Lisa Hinson, owner of Hinson Ltd. Public Relations in Columbus, Ohio. Formerly the director of public relations for Limited Brands, Lisa’s client list now includes real estate developers, retailers and healthcare businesses. She gets the job done with the help of three employees and two high school or college interns.

Overcoming Hiring Hurdles

It’s no surprise that Lisa attributes much of the company’s success to the people on her team. “Because I believe strongly in mentorship, I watch very closely people that I have worked with over the years and select carefully from them when we need to hire,” she says. “I only want people who can thrive in an entrepreneurial environment where priorities change quickly and execution is everything.”

Managing with Moxie

So, how does Lisa conduct business? In a way that facilitates family and personal time, she says, referring to a management style that stems from her own personal struggles with work-family-life balance. That means a hefty dose of flexibility when it comes to family, leisure and community time for her employees. It’s a philosophy that yields impressive results.
“I started my business initially because of the misguided impression that I could attain better work-life balance. I had overcome two difficult pregnancies in which both children were born extremely early,” says Lisa, adding that the experiences caused her to re-evaluate her personal and professional life. While Lisa knew she needed a vibrant professional life, she wasn’t sure how to couple that with her role of wife and mother. She thought a business of her own was the answer, but it took eight years to reach some semblance of balance between the two!
Today, Lisa’s company thrives because of the close-knit, team atmosphere that prevails. Together, it’s all about execution—and just getting the job done.
To learn more on expressing your brand through hiring, read Real Fact 5 in Real You Incorporated.