What makes you happy?
An interesting question, right? And, if you’re like me, on any given day, at any given time, your answer about happiness what brings it to you could be very different. It could be the beauty of the sunset, the smile of a child, the vibrant colors of a flower, the embrace from a loved one. All of those things can bring us happiness, but it all starts from within. We know this, yet, often we seek happiness externally, afraid to trust that we are enough. That we are in fact in charge of our own happiness, protecting and loving ourselves enough to make that happiness come to life. And when we take charge of that thought, really believe it, it makes all the outward expressions of joy that much more special.

I know, it’s not easy, but we’re all on this happy journey together, so keep at it. I will, too. Next month, I’ll celebrate the four year anniversary of my debut novel, HERE, HOME, HOPE. That story is filled with happiness, and gratitude. A dream come true, actually, and it has been a blessing to have readers from all over affirm its impact on their lives whether simply from the story or more profoundly, from the Things to Change list sprinkled throughout. Either way, that makes me happy! Here, Home, Hope

Another happy event is the upcoming release on April 20th of THE BILLIONAIRE’S BID, book four in the Indigo Island Romance Series – preorder is available now!! – and the rebranding of Book 2, HER FORBIDDEN LOVE. It has been such a joy to become a member of the romance writer’s community and in fact, I’m excited to be leading a workshop at the national Romance Writer’s of America conference in New York in July!!

The Billionaire's Bid - Coming soon!    Her Forbidden Love Book Cover  

I hope you are having a happy life and that your on a path to make your dreams come true. Because, life is short and happiness is an inside job! Namaste!

Indigo Island Romance Book One