Apologies for my lack of posts since this summer, but it has been an incredibly busy, amazing and surreal time for the Rouda household. My husband ran for political office for the first time. After a long primary, where he won by a mere 125 votes, followed by a tough general election against a 30-year incumbent, where he also won, but not officially for three weeks after the November 6th election, we were swept up immediately into orientation, the holidays, and then swearing in. I’ve truly enjoyed getting to know a little bit about Washington, D.C., and it’s an honor to serve our great country. (Yes, spouses serve, too. Whole families do.)

And, since politics is so divisive, be assured I will remain apolitical here, as always. My career is as an author. His career can be all encompassing, even for an entire family. I’m proud each of my kids are pursuing the careers and lives of their dreams – and so am I. Our own dreams keep us grounded and inspired, and are important, just as my husband’s new career of service takes him in a whole new direction and onto the national stage so to speak. It’s a year of new beginnings. I hope yours has been off to a good start, too.

In fact, after 28 years of marriage, my husband and I renewed our vows over the holidays with our four kids as witnesses. It was a magical moment to treasure.

Just now, today, almost six months after the last time I wrote a blog post, I’m finally feeling able to focus on my career again. I’m back!! I cannot wait for my next novel, THE FAVORITE DAUGHTER, to be out in the world on May 21st! While we’re waiting, the title is available for those of you on NetGalley and right now, is being offered as a Goodreads Giveaway! Jane Harris is the perfect mother, just ask her! 😉 And she cannot wait to introduce herself to you. And to help her do just that, please consider preordering your copy today! That way, you can meet her on the day she arrives in stores!

Thanks as always for being here and supporting my writing! I couldn’t do this without you!