I was cleaning out a storage closet last weekend and found a lot of things. Call it my New Year’s clean out. Among other things: An article about my husband and I written in 2007 when we were building the Real Living brand together. Seems so long ago, but then again, like yesterday. I also found a printed copy of one of the speeches I gave when I was traveling the country after my first book, REAL YOU INCORPORATED: 8 Essentials for Women Entrepreneurs came out in 2008. I travelled all over the country to promote the book, speaking to groups of women entrepreneurs. It was fabulous. I often ended my talks by urging people to put their passions into action, and that it’s up to you to live the life of your dreams. And I took my own advice. In 2009, we sold our company, moved to the beach and in 2011 my dream came true when my first novel, HERE, HOME, HOPE, came out!
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