I used to make a resolution, or several, each year New Year. I know many of you do, too. Unfortunately, this is about the time, the end of January, when those resolutions go bust. My theory. Don’t make them and then you can’t break them.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m all about goal setting, and I’m really trying to up my cardio exercise intake this year even with my compete disdain of any type of sweat. But it’s not a New Year’s resolution. Nope. It’s a fitness commitment. Oh, and I’ve joined a meditation group, too, but that’s just something I’ve wanted to try.

Ok, well, maybe there is a link between the new year and trying some new things. I just prefer to give myself the gift of less pressure than a failed resolution. I’m going to try new things this year. Some I’ll stick with; some I won’t. But that’s ok!  

So if you feel like you’ve failed on a New Year’s resolution, take another approach. Think about some things you doing differently and give yourself a pat on the back. You’re turning over a new leaf. It’s exciting so give yourself permission to try new things, no matter what you call change.