
About Kaira Rouda

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So far Kaira Rouda has created 432 blog entries.
3 03, 2010

Real You: The power of words

By |2023-02-07T00:18:28+00:00March 3, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: The power of words

As Real Living and GMAC Real Estate brokers and agents embrace and connect across the country, new relationships are being developed through the power of words. Brand. Red. Real. Technology. Partnering. Power. Real estate. Together. Vision. Future. Success. All of those words and more are being used by a dedicated team to bring two great organizations together. And it's going great! More and more companies are becoming Real Living and the momentum is spreading across the U.S. What's it like at your company? Beyond the basic words of sales, beyond the words of marketing, or services you deliver to your team and ultimately your customers, a most powerful, unspoken word is most often at the heart of all decisions. At the base level of how all other words - and actions - are interpreted is TRUST. Trust is defined as: reliance on the integrity, strength, [...]

2 03, 2010

Real You: If you snark, make sure you’re right

By |2023-02-07T00:18:40+00:00March 2, 2010|small business, snarks, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: If you snark, make sure you’re right

Ok, let's face it. Not everyday is sunshine and puppies and ice cream. Somedays, it's just one of those days. You've gotta snark. But if it is one of those snark days for you, make sure you don't turn it into one of those days for someone else - UNLESS she deserves it! Here's the story. A communications person from an organization that I respect - that will remain nameless because I like most everyone associated with it and what it stands for - emailed me today to tell me I was being replaced on a panel coming up during New York Entrepreneur Week in April due to lack of payment of my dues. Now, I didn't know until two weeks ago that dues were, well, due. I found that out when I checked my spam filter - I've mentioned my new Canadian spam filter [...]

10 02, 2010

Real You: Amazon lists, oh my!

By |2023-02-07T00:18:44+00:00February 10, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Amazon lists, oh my!

Here's the thing: once your write and publish a book these days, for some length of time, if you're like me, you become fixated by Amazon.com. Yikes - what number is my book today? Today, at this moment, I'm #9 in women's studies, #18 in marketing and 68 in women in business. But, by the time you look, it will have changed. That's the constant today, right? Change. Might as well embrace it and try not to get fixated on things you can't control! Yes, I'm working on learning that lesson every day!

4 02, 2010

Real You: It’s tough out there, but stay true to you

By |2023-02-07T00:18:52+00:00February 4, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: It’s tough out there, but stay true to you

I just watched the Personal Branding segment on The Today Show and while I respect anybody who goes on national television and helps motivate folks to articulate their personal brands, I did worry about his message. On the segment, an author and branding expert seemed to encouraged people to figure out a gimmick - wearing black, like he does - or changing yourself to help people remember you. I'm all for the five senses of branding, but to make yourself memorable, it must start with the real you. Have you taken the time to reflect? When's the last time you wrote your story? For many of us today, personal branding is falling by the wayside as we scramble for another job, another consulting gig or the like. Personal branding isn't about gimmicks. Personal branding is understanding and articulating your unique personal brand and then conveying [...]

27 01, 2010

Real You: You know the universe is conspiring against you when . . .

By |2023-02-07T00:18:58+00:00January 27, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: You know the universe is conspiring against you when . . .

Ok, if you subscribe to my Tip of The Week (which you should as it's free, and oh so enlightening), you know I fell out of the bleachers at my son's basketball game and fractured my sacram. Yes, embarassing and very painful. My yoga teacher says the universe was telling me to slow down - which now I must as all I can do is stand, briefly, or stay on the couch. I'm still awaiting the universe's clear message, but in lieu of that, the mail came today. All junk, except for my AARP membership card. Now, I will be very happy to join AARP when the time is right, but I promise, I am not 50 years old yet. Sure, I have an artificial knee and a broken back, but truly, how did THEY know that? Nowhere on my invitation to membership does it [...]

19 01, 2010

Real You: Learn from your past

By |2023-02-07T00:19:05+00:00January 19, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Learn from your past

There is no perfect time to create your own personal brand. It can happen at any point during your career. Up until this time in your life and from here on out, you have been building your identity. And, as we all know in life, you gain strength through adversity. All of your past experiences - good, bad and ugly - along with the people you've chosen to love and befriend, have made you who you are today. It's vitally important for you to have an accurate view of yourself - you cannot brand yourself correctly without it. Your history with all its highs and lows is part of your essence. An essential part of the Real You, and the first step of the Real You 8-step process. Learn more in Chapter 1, Real You Incorporated

8 01, 2010

Real You: New Year, Real You

By |2023-02-07T00:19:13+00:00January 8, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: New Year, Real You

How's the first week of the New Year been treating you? If you're like a lot of people, you started the week with the best of intentions and resolutions. And by now, perhaps, you're feeling as if you've failed. Maybe you didn't stick strictly to the diet or perhaps you didn't quit smoking. But you know what? It's ok. Defining yourslf - and your self worth - by New Year's Resolutions is a dangerous and ultimately, for most people, a negative exercise. Instead, let's tackle this year by defining your unique personal brand. The you who you are - who you always have been - and putting that to work in the world. You are unique. But you knew thaat. Did you also know you are uniquely marketable? You just need to learn how to express your unique personal brand as a Real marketable business [...]

14 12, 2009

Real You: Avoid holiday snarks

By |2023-02-07T00:19:21+00:00December 14, 2009|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Avoid holiday snarks

Ah, 'tis the season to be stressed. As you begin to haul out all of the seasonal decorations, and scrounge around for new expressions of your tidings of joy, remember to keep the real meaning of the holidays in the center of your heart. It's tough, trust me, I know but it's also essential for your sanity, and for the real you to shine. At the same time, you're approaching year-end at work and all that planning, anticipation, finalization and yes - potential - the looming new year implies. Ah. You need to find the real people in your life, and surround yourself with them and their love this season. And how do you do that? I've devised what I call the Snark Scale outlined in my book to help categorize the passion poppers in your life and to help you realize we all face [...]

20 11, 2009

Real You: Grace under pressure

By |2023-02-07T00:19:32+00:00November 20, 2009|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Grace under pressure

Grace is all around us, and so is pressure. Just this week, amidst the thrill of growing and expanding my company, Real Living, the pressure has been incredible. Building a new team, reassuring new contacts. Since the real estate crash hit at the end of 2005, pressure has been mounting. Sometimes daily, sometimes just bubbling under the surface. For many of us, no matter the industry, the great recession has spelled doom, gloom, worry, anxiety and yes, pressure. Not so easy to find in our world: Grace. And yet, something happened last night that symbolized more about grace under pressure than any business lesson I could write about. My friend, Stefanie Spielman, lost her fifth battle with breast cancer last night. She died at the age of 42, surrounded by her family, And I know you may have similar stories. Cancer, unfortunately, has touched all [...]

19 11, 2009

Real You: Synergy rocks

By |2023-02-07T00:19:39+00:00November 19, 2009|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Synergy rocks

Tonight I had a chance to meet a group of people I've never met before. In fact, this week and last has been an abundance of new connections and people in my life. Each and every person we encounter teaches us something - about ourselves. How open we are to learning from them is the challenge. People come into your life for a reason. Some stop by for just a few minutes; others stay a lifetime. What you carry forward from these encounters matters. And when you really, truly, feel synergy with a group of people, it rocks. Celebrate!

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