

In the Mirror launch giveaway!

To celebrate the release of In the Mirror, we're giving you a chance to win an amazing prize! For US readers: Curl up with this cozy throw, wonderfully scented candle, a cup of hot tea and your very own copy of In the Mirror! For readers outside the US: Curl up with a copy of each of my novels: Here, Home, Hope, All the Difference, and In the Mirror!   a Rafflecopter giveaway  

By |April 30, 2014|

Exciting News over here at Kaira Rouda Books!

  Rob Lowe loves IN THE MIRROR! Just kidding! Well, it could happen I suppose, we were neighbors in Malibu. But actually, we're excited because Kirkus Reviews chose to run the lovely review of IN THE MIRROR in the April 15th edition of their magazine.  Here is the full review. It's lovely! And speaking of wonderful reviews, Darlene at Peeking Between the Pages calls protagonist, Jennifer, "a tough cookie" and writes: I thought this novel was quite [...]

By |April 26, 2014|

Real You: A new way to promote almost anything!

Most writers I know, including yours truly, are a creative yet shy bunch. (Yes, I'm shy!) One of the biggest hurdles in publishing today is getting noticed above the fray, with literally 1,000 of books flooding the market each day. So when I heard of a new approach to spread the story about the upcoming release of IN THE MIRROR (pre-order now, out May 1st ), I thought I'd give it a try. The platform is [...]

By |April 25, 2014|


It's that time of year. Anticipation is in the air. Some of us watch and marvel at the first buds of spring, anticipating the glorious flowers to appear. Others, like my high school son, anxiously await spring break to arrive this Friday. It's of course, the time for Easter and Passover. And for many authors, it's the time when new books are released. Including mine. I was trying to explain the feeling I have inside, [...]

By |April 8, 2014|

Real You: Cover reveal! IN THE MIRROR is coming out May 1st!

Goodreads Book Giveaway In the Mirror by Kaira Rouda Giveaway ends April 30, 2014. See the giveaway details at Goodreads. Enter to win And to celebrate, my publisher is hosting a Goodreads Book Giveaway! Enter to win by clicking the link, or simply hop over to Goodreads and search giveaways! I'd really appreciate it if you'd add the book to your To Read list! Soon, I'll have more information for pre-ordering - but in the [...]

By |March 3, 2014|

Real You: Exciting news to share!

My third novel, IN THE MIRROR, will be published on May 1st! I'm excited to share it with you and will be able to reveal the cover very soon. For those of you who have waited for this for a year - yes, 2013 was a transition year for me full of floods, and moves, and graduations, and more - thank you!I hope you'll find IN THE MIRROR to be worth the wait! As the [...]

By |January 27, 2014|


Kaira Rouda Headshot

Kaira is a USA Today, Amazon Charts and International Bestselling Author. For the most updated events and news, follow Kaira on social media.


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