

Real You: Happy New Year book news and woman power

I hope you're having a great start to 2014! So far, I've been enjoying my family, recovering from food poisoning (a pickle, of all things), and trying to get back in the writing saddle. The end of 2013 left me a bit adrift, from the writing standpoint. But, I should have some good news to announce shortly! In the meantime, I wanted to let you all know that IndieReader gave ALL THE DIFFERENCE  a great [...]

By |January 5, 2014|

Real You: Making your dreams come true

Reality check time!Here is the most important notion I've learned during the last five years: you are responsible for making your dreams come true. That's it. The truth. You can wish for help, you can pray for assistance, you can even believe in somebody who says they can make your dream come true. But they won't. They can't. In my first book - a business book for women entrepreneurs called REAL YOU INCORPORATED - I [...]

By |November 20, 2013|

Real You: Hometown Memories

A friend of mine from my hometown of Upper Arlington, Ohio, asked me last summer if I would write my favorite memory of my time there. Hmmm. I was stumped. It took me until this fall to finally write the piece. Here's what I came up with. What's your favorite hometown memory? It’s hard to sum up a favorite UA memory, at least it is for me. UA is the place I spent my formative [...]

By |October 25, 2013|

Real You: The long haul

That's what I'm reminding myself as I sit down to write this post - finally - after a several-month-long writer's block. It's about the long haul, the sum total of what you've done to make a difference in the world, and not about any one period of muck. Or drought. Or in my case, a flood, followed by a move, followed by a huge asthma attack due to the sealant used on the roads in [...]

By |October 8, 2013|

Real You: Welcome Author Meg Waite Clayton

I'm so excited to welcome my friend, the New York Times bestselling author Meg Waite Clayton who is celebrating the publication of her newest novel, The Wednesday Daughters, to my blog.  Below Meg explains the history of her writing career - and her firm belief in the comfort of writing friends. Take it away, Meg: The history of my own writing starts with a purse. Like the character of Linda in my novel, The Wednesday Sisters, [...]

By |June 30, 2013|

ALL THE DIFFERENCE is National Indie Excellence Winner!

I'm so excited to announce that my second novel, ALL THE DIFFERENCE, is a 2013 National Indie Excellence Award Winner, one of four finalists in the fiction suspense category! As the Indie Excellence press release notes, "Not only has the number of entrants increased, but the excellence has risen to a whole new level. Advances in technology and the increase in sophistication of self-publishers has produced a bumper crop of books that stand proudly next those [...]

By |May 28, 2013|


Kaira Rouda Headshot

Kaira is a USA Today, Amazon Charts and International Bestselling Author. For the most updated events and news, follow Kaira on social media.


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