

Real You: Down to the wire and out to the world

     Have you ever worked on something for a decade or more? Something so important to you that your dreams, hopes and wishes are one with the project. I have. It happened as we created and built Real Living Real Estate, and it's happening again, now, as I launch my debut novel into the world.      Just like Real Living, my novel isn't for everybody. But I hope most people who pick it up and give [...]

By |April 17, 2011|

Real You: Spring Break?

     So, for Spring Break my husband and I and 20 teens are taking  a cruise. Yep, you read that right. 20 kids. Two adults.      I hope to be able to update you - but I'm not sure I will have a chance. Breaks are great. I'm just not sure this will be one? Gulp!

By |April 16, 2011|

Real You: HERE, HOME, HOPE is in stock! Yikes!

Just discovered that both and Barnes & Noble have HERE, HOME, HOPE in stock, as of today. I'm a bit surprised, only because I thought - in my naive writerly way - that the publication date of May 1st was when the stock would appear. Au contraire, corrrected the distribution manager at my publisher. Only the biggest of books have an exact delivery date - otherwise it varies. And if you're a little guy [...]

By |April 13, 2011|

Real You: Book Club Radio – Here, Home, Hope

Amy Hatvany, author of the soon-to-be released BEST KEPT SECRET, was my guest in this week's radio show. We talked about motherhood, what it's like to write a novel and wait for the pub date, perfectionism and the other isms women face and much, much more. If you missed it, you can still listen. Click here. We had fun talking to each other, I hope you have fun listening!

By |April 10, 2011|

Real You: Finding your voice

I've spent a lot of my life not speaking up for myself. People find that hard to believe, I suppose, given my work history and the like. But it's true. Today I found myself unable to speak up for myself. What did I do? I cried. As women we're so often taught good girls don't get mad, don't express hostility or anger. But, we are encouraged to express our feelings. Somewhere along the line, my [...]

By |April 9, 2011|


Kaira Rouda Headshot

Kaira is a USA Today, Amazon Charts and International Bestselling Author. For the most updated events and news, follow Kaira on social media.


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