

Happy Mother’s Day!

I love my mom. And I'm lucky because even though we Iive across the country from each other these days, we talk almost every day. We won't be celebrating in person this year, but I'll keep her in my heart and call her on the phone and laugh and count my blessings!If you're a mom, I hope your day is everything you wish for. And if you're a reader, my short story A Mother's Day [...]

By |May 12, 2018|

J’aime tout le français. Les gens. La nourriture. Le pays.

That's why I'm beyond excited to announce the publication of Best Day Ever, Une Journee Exceptionnelle, in France Tuesday, April 10th! My wonderful French foreign agent managed to sell the book at auction to Charleston Noir, a new imprint of Leduc. I couldn't be more excited to be leading another imprint - and to have my words translated into French. I spent more years than I'll admit trying to learn French myself, so I very [...]

By |April 8, 2018|

The Allure of the Unreliable Narrator

We’re all unreliable narrators of our personal stories, to some degree, whether we’re comfortable admitting it or not. That may be why these fictional characters intrigue many of us on some visceral level. We recognize the impulse. Most of us are on social media these days where we share our filtered and carefully curated version of our lives. The perfect couple. The perfect day. A perfect illusion. On a more basic level, we tell friends that [...]

By |April 2, 2018|

Murder was in his eyes

“Domestic violence” is such a non-specific, dismissive phrase. It glosses over the atrocity of the action, the awful truth of the cycle of violence. The local news features stories of domestic violence almost every night. “The husband killed his wife and then turned the gun on himself,” the young reporter will say, staring into the camera. “A tragic case of domestic violence.” Well, yes, but it’s also murder. I wish we would call it that. [...]

By |February 27, 2018|

Happy 2018! I hope it’s your BEST YEAR EVER!

I couldn't resist wishing you a BEST YEAR in 2018...I've been talking about BEST DAY EVER for, well, forever it seems and loving it. Last year was so filled with blessings and I just can't wait to see what 2018 has in store. I hope you feel the same. A new year offers so much promise, so many possibilities. One thing I don't do is resolutions. Instead, I like to dream. And dream big. Why not? [...]

By |January 17, 2018|

Giving Thanks

This year has been full of blessings, big and small. And of course, it has also been pierced by heartache, struggles, and loss. Because, that's life. Each day is a blessing and no holiday better signifies and reminds us of that than Thanksgiving. (Of course, I realize if we take into our hearts the horrible legacy of our treatment of Indigenous People then, I suppose, we have a whole other reality of life to discuss.) But [...]

By |November 20, 2017|


Kaira Rouda Headshot

Kaira is a USA Today, Amazon Charts and International Bestselling Author. For the most updated events and news, follow Kaira on social media.


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