

Real You: The passion problem

     Yep, it's true. It's tough out there. The economy is forcing layoffs, businesses aren't hiring. More people than ever are out of work. But what about the people who are still employed. Are they grateful? Happy even? It turns out, more than half aren't. According to an Adecco North America survey, 54 percent of employed Americans say they will look for a new job once the recession ends. Among 18 to 29 year olds, [...]

By |July 13, 2009|

Entrepreneurship: The Road to Independence

What is independence? To me, it's entrepreneurship. It's the ability to do what I love, when I want, with whom I want. It's the new American dream. Women everywhere are making it happen, and you can, too! Here are my top five reasons you should take the leap. 1. Independence. I love this quote from an anonymous high school student: "Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won't, so that [...]

By |July 10, 2009|

Should You Network Via Email?

I received a question from a woman asking: “Is it okay to network via email?”  I wish I could start every relationship face-to-face, but it’s just not possible. In this day and age, it’s not uncommon to correspond with individuals who live on the other side of the country—or even in another part of the world—without ever meeting them in person. Thank you, Twitter! Relationships grow and people conduct business this way every single day—and [...]

By |July 8, 2009|

How Women-Owned Businesses are Surviving the Recession

Women are starting businesses at rapid rates and thriving, despite the economic downturn. According to a recent study conducted by Florida International University’s Center for Leadership and The Commonwealth Institute of South Florida, women-owned businesses are doing better in the recession than most. Key Factors: Women traditionally take on less debt and thus have more flexibility during tough times. Women also try to strategize and reach out instead of jumping to cost-cutting measures. This is [...]

By |July 6, 2009|

Celebrate Life and Loved Ones

You've heard it a million times: Don't take things for granted. Yet, it's difficult for us to grasp the concept in our everyday lives that seem to move at the speed of light. We're so busy. We have just one more thing to do and then we can have dinner with our kids or grab a drink with a friend we haven't had time to see. With the recent loss of several American icons, it [...]

By |July 2, 2009|

Kindle Lovers… This is for you!

Amazon’s Kindle allows you to download and read thousands of books, newspapers, magazines and now blogs. This is great news for people like me, who read multiple blogs daily. There are tons of blogs listed in categories ranging from arts and entertainment to business and investing to travel, lifestyle, culture and more. And as of today, the Real You Incorporated blog is also available on Kindle blogs! Other blogs available for download include: The New [...]

By |July 1, 2009|


Kaira is a USA Today, Amazon Charts and International Bestselling Author. For the most updated events and news, follow Kaira on social media.


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