

Learning to Say No

By nature, women are nurturers—the ones always helping others. While it’s admirable that we are always trying to be there for others, between work and family, our lives can get chaotic. In striving to be SuperMom, we often forget how and when to say no. Then, being overcommitted with no time for ourselves, we’re left feeling frazzled, burnt-out, despondent and not much good to anyone. Fortunately, there are a couple things we can do. First, [...]

By |April 28, 2009|

Tips to keep female consumers happy

Female consumers are often demanding, but they make a majority of all purchasing decisions—meaning they’re your No. 1 consumer. It’s in your best interest to make sure she’s happy. Here are some tips for doing just that. Brainstorm how you can best touch base with your customers Discuss which methods are working and which ones have flopped Consider what you might do differently or better Style your logo, colors and font in a way that [...]

By |April 27, 2009|

Say no to time thieves

Make sure you're focusing and not allowing time thieves to take advantage of you! Did you know interruptions consume 28 percent of an average workday? It's true. And interruptions can be even more time-stealing if you're working from home and not setting limits. Case in point: the other day I was working from home. That's typically a great place to work, especially during school hours. But, one of my kids was home sick. She slept [...]

By |April 24, 2009|

Entering the Business World Knowing Your Passion

This past week I was approached by a graduating college senior, and she had an excellent question. “While my first choice is to find a job on my own, my family owns a business and they’d love for me to join them. Given the current state of the economy, should I consider joining the family business my best option?” And after talking with her, I started to realize that is about the time when students [...]

By |April 21, 2009|

Learn how Successful Women put Personality into Business

Does your business reflect your personality? My business, Real Living, does—it’s spunky, like me! And it is part of a new eBook that was recently released, called The Personality Project: “Women of Personality”. This free eBook, by Rohit Bhatgava, author of Personality Not Included, features 20 women who have successfully melted their personalities into their businesses. Find out how they did it by downloading it from the Personality Project Web site. Bhatgava is currently accepting [...]

By |April 20, 2009|

It’s time to de-stress, if ever so briefly!

It's tough out there. Whether you run your own business, work for somebody else or work at home taking care of the kids, things are tight. People are grumpy. Budgets are cut and, well, it's just plain stressful. That got me to thinking of tips I've heard and used to create a little peace and relaxation in the middle of the day. Always remember, if you're stressed and in a bad mood, you project it [...]

By |April 17, 2009|


Kaira Rouda Headshot

Kaira is a USA Today, Amazon Charts and International Bestselling Author. For the most updated events and news, follow Kaira on social media.


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