

My Top 10 Unreliable Narrators

The Strand Magazine asked me to write an article about my favorite unreliable narrators. I had fun writing about it, and thinking about all of these great characters. After writing my unreliable narrator Paul Strom in my book Best Day Ever, I’m often asked to name my favorite unreliable narrators out there who inspired me, whether I realized it at the time or not. We’re all unreliable narrators of sorts in our own lives, of course. [...]

By |November 6, 2017|

BEST DAY EVER US and Canada Pub Day! Hooray!!

It seems like I've been waiting for this book, BEST DAY EVER, to be out in the world FOR FOREVER! And now, the day is finally here. It's a dream come true. I hope you'll consider giving BEST DAY EVER a read. I mean, BA Paris "loved" the book. This is what she said: "Had the best day ever reading Best Day Ever. Great narrator in Paul, LOVE his voice! Fabulous book." -B.A. Paris, New York Times [...]

By |September 19, 2017|

American Library Association Conference 2017 in Chicago! WOW!

Librarians are the best! I had the chance to attend the ALA 2017 conference this weekend, and wow, what a special time. First, my publisher, Graydon House | Harlequin surprised me with a huge poster in the lobby, and a special dinner for librarians Friday night at a hip Chicago restaurant. Saturday was a book signing and a chance to meet even more librarians, and some authors who I've been friends with online - but [...]

By |June 27, 2017|

Book Expo 2017: A first-timer’s report

Those of you in the know in the book world already know about Book Expo, aka BEA, the world's largest gathering of book people that takes place annually, usually in New York City at the Javit's Center. And of course, I've heard all about it every year since I began this fiction writing journey in 2011. I never dreamed I'd be invited to go by my publisher, Harlequin/Graydon House! When the invite came, I was [...]

By |June 5, 2017|

When a box of beautiful Advance Reader Editions arrives!

Exciting times over here, especially when I had the chance to hold the ARE of BEST DAY EVER in my hands! My biggest, and perhaps best, book baby ever. Even though the title doesn't publish until September 19th, my awesome publisher Graydon House, a new imprint coming this fall from Harper Collins/Harlequin, printed these gorgeous reader editions. I'm telling you, they're gorgeous, complete with French flaps, deckled edges, a textured cover and more. I'll be [...]

By |April 23, 2017|


Kaira Rouda Headshot

Kaira is a USA Today, Amazon Charts and International Bestselling Author. For the most updated events and news, follow Kaira on social media.


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