

When Publishers Weekly reviews your book!!

It's a big day - and lucky for me - I didn't know it was even being read. Ha! After writing a dozen books, this is the first time I've had a PW review. So when I started reading the review, and realized it was positive, well, it was close to the BEST DAY EVER!My favorite line: "A tensely written, shocking book that will hold readers on the edge of their seats to the very [...]

By |April 23, 2017|

Paris in the springtime – the stuff of dreams

I just returned from an amazing trip to Paris with my daughter. To say we had a magnificent time does not sum it up, but suffice it to say we both felt like we were living inside a dream the entire time we were there. We soaked up the beauty - the food, the art, the culture - and never ceased to glow along with the city of lights. Spectacular. I also had the chance [...]

By |April 4, 2017|

Exciting Cover and Imprint Reveal! Open the door to . . .

Graydon House Books!! I'm beyond thrilled to be a part of Harlequin's newest, coolest imprint and to share my fellow "launch" authors' covers with you, too! I can’t believe I finally get to share my new, amazing cover for BEST DAY EVER bursting into a bookstore near you on September 19th!Here’s THE story of THE story:Paul Strom, the book’s first person, male narrator appeared and told his story last winter. (I know, that sounds weird, but [...]

By |March 3, 2017|

Laguna Dreams, Laguna Beach Book 5, arrives today!!

Today’s a bittersweet book launch day for me! It’s sweet, because my latest contemporary romance novel, LAGUNA DREAMS, arrives in the world today. Bitter-ish, because, due to my new publisher and my pivot to writing domestic suspense, this will be my last romance novel for the year!  But that’s the thrill of the publishing world, really. I feel truly blessed to be working in the field of my dreams these past six years since my [...]

By |February 6, 2017|

A new year, a wonderful travel insight

Travel broadens your perspective and opens your heart. It's almost like reading a novel - you step into a new world and by the end, you've learned about yourself, about others and hopefully, you're grown. Our recent trip to Cuba was no different. My family and I arrived on Christmas Day, not sure exactly what to expect. We'd visited the Carribean before, but never a place like this one with a grand past and a [...]

By |January 10, 2017|

On branding and going a little darker

The interesting thing about having a background in branding is that it's fairly easy for me to see other people's brands, and help them bring them to life. In fact, I wrote a whole book - REAL YOU INCORPORATED - about the process. But, just like the cobbler's children, when it came time for me to take a look at my brand, I froze. I mean, my stories have been "Sparkling with humor and heart" [...]

By |December 5, 2016|


Kaira Rouda Headshot

Kaira is a USA Today, Amazon Charts and International Bestselling Author. For the most updated events and news, follow Kaira on social media.


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