Tips to keep female consumers happy

By |2023-02-07T01:49:05+00:00April 27, 2009|consumers, female, happy, purchase decision, shopping, world-class consumers|Comments Off on Tips to keep female consumers happy

Female consumers are often demanding, but they make a majority of all purchasing decisions—meaning they’re your No. 1 consumer. It’s in your best interest to make sure she’s happy. Here are some tips for doing just that. Brainstorm how you can best touch base with your customers Discuss which methods are working and which ones have flopped Consider what you might do differently or better Style your logo, colors and font in a way that is attractive to women Design a Web site that is consumer-friendly and easy for busy women to navigate Know what she likes and, more importantly, what she dislikes Remember, your goal is to stay one step ahead of your consumer. Women are world-class consumers, making or influencing 85 percent of all purchases. That means they deserve your time and attention.