Real You: My daughter, myself

By |2023-02-07T00:09:35+00:00June 22, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: My daughter, myself

My first post for The Huffington Post appeared on the same day as my only daughter's high school graduation. Odd. Wonderful. That's life. Here's an excerpt: "Thirty years ago, this month, I graduated high school. Tomorrow, my only daughter will celebrate her high school commencement. It's a tough time for me, this letting go. Some days, I've been downright mopey." The full post here. Bottom line. It's another one of those transition times. It's not a crisis, although I will be crying. It's a change. A shift. A celebration, for both my daughter, and myself. Just like in my novel HERE, HOME, HOPE, these life events are a perfect opportunity to take a look at life, and the people you hold dear. To make sure you're putting the real you in everything you do.