
6 09, 2011

Real You: Getting started, staying motivated

By |2023-02-07T00:08:46+00:00September 6, 2011|attitude|Comments Off on Real You: Getting started, staying motivated

     So here I sit. My debut novel Here, Home, Hope has been in the world for four months. It's been going great - but in the marketing and book tour push I've been single-mindedly focused on, I've been neglecting my passion. Writing.      So I need to get started. Get back to it. Sure, since the publication of Real You Incorporated, I spend a lot of my time motivating others to pursue their passion and get going. I love working with entrepreneurs and I truly believe we need to be the country where everybody is starting something. That's the magic of our history. Anything is possible if you are a doer. You can never dream too big or set your sights too high. Not here. Not now.      The hardest person to get to hear that advice? You guessed it - me. So, today I'm [...]

22 07, 2009

The Wisdom in Extraction

By |2023-02-07T00:25:40+00:00July 22, 2009|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Wisdom in Extraction

Bear with me as this blog post is being written as I’m taking care of my son who just had his wisdom teeth out. (Yes, everyone I know remembers that day, too!) And no, this blog post IS NOT about that! What I started thinking about this morning is that there is wisdom in extraction. One of my favorite definitions of Wisdom is “knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action”. Action is the important ingredient in that definition. We are all wise, and hopefully, learning every day. But true wisdom requires action. True wisdom can be found, and built, when we take action and remove ourselves from situations that are harmful, limiting or otherwise bad for our personal brands, for ourselves. Are you in a situation in your business or personal life that you need to extract yourself [...]

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