All The Difference

21 12, 2012

99 authors, 99 books, 99 cents! Plus, a $500 prize! Today only!

By |2023-02-06T23:51:31+00:00December 21, 2012|giveaway|Comments Off on 99 authors, 99 books, 99 cents! Plus, a $500 prize! Today only!

These prices are available on Amazon only. I'm so happy ALL THE DIFFERENCE is included in this fun selection of books. Happy shopping and don't miss your chance to win some of the $990 worth of prizes! For a listing of books offered and to enter to win, click here!!  

11 12, 2012

Naughty or Nice Holiday Giveaway! Winner Announced!

By |2023-02-06T23:51:42+00:00December 11, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Naughty or Nice Holiday Giveaway! Winner Announced!

It's the most wonderful time of the year! And to celebrate, we've asked two of our favorite leading ladies - Kelly from HERE, HOME, HOPE - and Ellen from ALL THE DIFFERENCE - to select prizes they'd love to receive. Ellen, representing the devious women of Grandville, selected some Naughty gifts - Arsenic perfume, a Black Swan Ornament, a Journal to write about her secret lives, a Swarm of Bees candle and more. Kelly, representing the happier women of Grandville, selected an assortment of Nice presents for you including Rosewater perfume, a handblown White swan ornament, a journal to record your good deeds, a pure white soy candle and more. To enter, leave a comment or enter via Rafflecopter here or on my Facebook Author Page! UPDATE: WINNER ANNOUNCED! Emerald Barnes is the winner of the Naughty & Nice Giveaway! Thank you to all of you who entered! More exciting giveaways and events are coming - as [...]

21 11, 2012

Real You: So much to be thankful for, especially you!

By |2023-02-07T00:04:53+00:00November 21, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: So much to be thankful for, especially you!

It's that time of year, when we all reflect on our blessings. As an author, finally putting my passion into action and having the career of my dreams, I am sure of one thing - your support makes all the difference. With each book or short story, I've been thrilled by the response from long-time friends, and new friends alike. I'm so grateful my novels have resonated with you, and that you are looking forward to the next. Who could ask for anything more? But there is more. Always. My family. A week ago, my daughter's college house burned down. She lived there with 8 other girls, and thankfully, none of them were home when the fire started. It moved quickly and the damage was enormous. She lost everything - possessions, clothes, computer, photos - but she is safe. And really, that's what matters as [...]

1 09, 2012

Real You: Transitions

By |2023-02-07T00:05:14+00:00September 1, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Transitions

Labor Day weekend is such a bitter-sweet time, at least for me. I find myself lamenting the upcoming structures of fall and winter. With the kids' school and sports and activities schedule back in full swing in less than a week, those sweet sleep-in days of summer will be just a memory.But, with every seasonal transition comes that time for growth and renewal. It's also a great time for me to recommit to projects I've pushed aside and to reconnect with friends. It's also - ironically - when my book tour begins for my latest novel, ALL THE DIFFERENCE. And that is exciting! I'll post the tour soon, but here I come Columbus (September 20th), Cincinnati (September 21st) and Laguna Beach (September 30th). Transitions are tough sometimes. Make sure you have things to look forward to - like a book tour, or a new project. [...]

1 08, 2012

Real You: The power of outside approval

By |2023-02-07T00:05:19+00:00August 1, 2012|authenticity, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: The power of outside approval

It's funny. Whenever I talk to groups about empowerment or personal branding, writing or publishing, I focus on the basic fact that belief in yourself is the key ingredient of success. The ability to know your REAL YOU, to define it - and what you're conveying to others - authentically - is crucial whether you are selling yourself, widgets, books or teaching your kids an important life lesson. Too often we find ourselves caught up in what other's think - waiting for a five-star review, a pat on the back, a promotion. But really, that waiting and hoping for outside approval moves us far away from our purpose and dangerously close to the snark infested waters I write about in Real You Incorporated: 8 Essentials for Women Entrepreneurs. Relying on outside approval turns your power over to others - and often, unfortunately, those others are snarks who's jealousy or [...]

16 04, 2012

Real You: The 7-7-7 Challenge! How fun!

By |2023-02-07T00:06:39+00:00April 16, 2012|author interview, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: The 7-7-7 Challenge! How fun!

I was tagged by the delightful author Cathleen Holst to participate in the 7-7-7 Challenge which gives readers a sneak peek at some of their favorite authors' latest works! Here are the rules: 1. Go to page 77 of your work-in-progress or latest book. 2. Count down 7 lines. 3. Copy 7 sentences that follow and post them. 4. Tag 7 other authors Here are the seven lines from page 77 of ALL THE DIFFERENCE: "Lyle, Janet called." "Cool. Is she OK?" "She's fine." "So great. I'm sort of in the middle of something, um, do you want me to call you back later or -" Maddie hung up on him, imagining him turning his attention back to whatever was more important than her. "Lyle has the depth of a rock. A flat skipping rock," Maddie said to Ellen, who answered Francis's line. "Forget about [...]

17 03, 2012

Real You: Are you pinning yet?

By |2023-02-07T00:06:49+00:00March 17, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Are you pinning yet?

I have to admit - I'm hooked on Pinterest. I bet, if you try it, you will be, too. It's such a fun way to visualize your dreams, share quotes, favorite things, and still connect. What Pinterest offers is a a lot of smiles, and a huge opportunity to spend/waste more time online, if you look at it that way.What it also offers is a business opportunity. For your personal brand. For your product or service, whether it's books or cupcakes, consulting or jewelry. For each of my books, I've pinned story clues, character profiles, and more. For my upcoming release, ALL THE DIFFERENCE, I've had fun pinning Ellen's good luck sea beans and Francis' favorite product, Squeaky Clean Soap. The possibilities are endless, and I smile as I bring my characters to life visually. Think about it and then, if you haven't, start exploring [...]

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