
3 05, 2016

The Goodbye Year Pub Day is TODAY!!

By |2023-02-06T23:41:07+00:00May 3, 2016|Posts|Comments Off on The Goodbye Year Pub Day is TODAY!!

Hello everybody! Happy May! It has been two years since my last women’s fiction novel, In the Mirror, came out and I’m so excited to present THE GOODBYE YEAR! This story, as with all of my women’s fiction novels, is close to my heart and sparked by my own experiences with my youngest leaving for college. (#emptynestday232) Here’s a piece I wrote for Woman’s Day on the subject, in case you’re interested. (sigh) Empty nesting: I survived my youngest child’s last year of high school. Now What? As for the fictional version ☺, THE GOODBYE YEAR is the story of Melanie, a perfectionist mom who views the approaching end of parenting as a type of death, can’t believe she has only one more year to live vicariously through her slacker senior son, Dane. Gorgeous mom Sarah has just begun to realize that her only daughter, Ashley, [...]

21 09, 2011

Real You: Time to shine your own light?

By |2023-02-07T00:08:38+00:00September 21, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Time to shine your own light?

Sometimes, in the flurry of life, and especially in the business of books (yes, it is mostly a business, I'm afraid), the light, the vision, the creative spirit can be dimmed. Certainly, even extinguished for those bleak periods of time most commonly called "writer's block". For me - and a lot of folks I know - this writing life, full of rejections, and almosts, can be dimming. Trust me, I know of many other businesses where folks are having the light squeezed out of them, too. So what to do? Giving up is not a choice, certainly not when your livelihood and your dreams are dependent upon success. It's time to shine your own light, whatever that means for you. Grab a cup of coffee with a friend who is one step ahead of you and find inspiration. Pick up the telephone and ask for [...]

10 04, 2011

Real You: Book Club Radio – Here, Home, Hope

By |2023-02-07T00:10:56+00:00April 10, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Book Club Radio – Here, Home, Hope

Amy Hatvany, author of the soon-to-be released BEST KEPT SECRET, was my guest in this week's radio show. We talked about motherhood, what it's like to write a novel and wait for the pub date, perfectionism and the other isms women face and much, much more. If you missed it, you can still listen. Click here. We had fun talking to each other, I hope you have fun listening!

15 01, 2011

Real You: New look, new website, same me

By |2023-02-07T00:15:29+00:00January 15, 2011|Hope|Comments Off on Real You: New look, new website, same me

It's sort of like when you get your haircut - a big cut. It's still you under there, but it's you, well, different. That's the new! I've been working with amazing, talented people to bring together the best of what my sites have to offer, while also highlighting another path my career is taking. (And no worries - I'm still all about women entrepreneurs and you'll find all of the Real You Incorporated content at Did I tell you I have a debut novel coming out in May! Ok, maybe you've heard that from me just a couple of times recently, but it's all so exciting and new for me. And it's so fun to share with you. To that end, one of the best parts - I think - of my new site is the chance to read the first chapter of Here, Home, [...]

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