
10 05, 2011

Real You: Heading to Hollywood Tonight

By |2023-02-07T00:09:27+00:00May 10, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Heading to Hollywood Tonight

Really, I am. Tonight I'm doing a signing and reading of HERE, HOME, HOPE in Larchmont Village - very close to Hollywood. Which got me thinking about the town where dreams are made...which then got me thinking about dreams coming true. All those years ago, when I dreamed of seeing a novel of mine on a bookstore shelf, I never dreamed that I'd be in Hollywood for a book signing! I know, I'm showing my Midwestern sensibilities here, but pinch me, please! So if you cannot make it to Chevalier's Books tonight, imagine me, with a huge grin, soaking it all in. These are those moments when I thank God for all my blessings. And I thank you for supporting me. And if your dreams still haven't yet come true, don't give up. Your pinchable moment is on the horizon. Keep believing!

29 03, 2011

Real You: The joy of dinners

By |2023-02-07T00:14:44+00:00March 29, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: The joy of dinners

     I enjoyed the best meal last night. Not because of the food, although it was wonderful. Because of the people. A group of people I'd never met before came together last night in Santa Monica and we talked about books. These were a group of booksellers and I've never had the opportunity to sit and share a meal with a group of people more  passionate about books than I am. (And I love books.)      The dinner was at The Penthouse Restaurant on the top floor of The Huntley Hotel in Santa Monica and our table had a sweeping view of the ocean and the sunset, the mountains, downtown LA, and even, later, the lights of the airplanes landing at LAX. Surroundings aside, it was magical. Many of the booksellers had not had the chance to meet each other before, either, so while we all [...]

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