
6 10, 2011

Real You: Lessons learned from a really bad cold

By |2023-02-07T00:08:30+00:00October 6, 2011|aha, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Lessons learned from a really bad cold

1. Instead of being in denial, go to doctor right away.2. Juice bar "get well" shot with cayenne pepper and the like hurts going down, so must be doing good? 3. When cough medicine bottle says 2 tsp - that is teaspoons not tablespoons. Oops. 4. Whatever you are writing after 2 tbsp of cough medicine seems better than it really is once medicine-fog clears. 5. It's great to have understanding dogs. They are bored, in need of a walk, but yet, still stick by me. 6. Remember, good health is a blessing. Repeat daily. 7. People do not want to talk on the telephone to someone who cannot speak without coughing. Those of us who cannot speak without coughing should stay off the telephone. 8. I would rather be sick when it's raining. 9. Thank goodness for antibiotics. 10. When a cold forces you [...]

8 09, 2009

Real You: Top 5 business lessons learned from the new kid at school

By |2023-02-07T00:20:13+00:00September 8, 2009|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Top 5 business lessons learned from the new kid at school

It's official. Summer is over, a season has ended. And what makes that reality sink in even more is that the kids start school tomorrow - I know, it's late -but it has been a blast having them around longer than usual. The kids are starting at a new school, in a new town - heck, even a new time zone. When I think about that change, and the awkwardness they'll feel tomorrow, I remember that feeling. Being the new kid. Everyone trying to find out what you're like, what group you fit into. It's the same when you launch your business. That fear of failure kicks in as you host your first event in your home, sit in the reception area on the first sales call, post your first blog or tweet, tell a potential client your hourly rate, or take that first real [...]

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