Tanya Baker
"She’s an efficient self-starter who has the ability to work well on her own. The Wow Factor Tanya is clearly motivated by what she can do for her clients. Since she works with meeting and event planners within an organization who may not have the time, knowledge or interest to negotiate the best hotel contracts, she is able to wow them with her expertise. “My clients frequently stumble onto me, reluctantly give me a chance and then have their hair blown back by what I deliver!” she says. “I frequently get one- or two-word email responses that say, ‘You rock’ or ‘Marvelous’ as they see me in action getting their best interest negotiated.” Sure, the money Tanya makes is a factor, but it’s not enough to qualify as the sole motivator. Instead, it’s the thrill of the hunt, the give-and-take and the gentle banter focused [...]