Were you ever a baby?
I was a baby. I'm assuming you were, too. If you were lucky enough, your parents could afford to go out to dinner every once in awhile to get a break from, well, you and if not that, they would take you along. And there you'd sit, squeaking, squawcking, being a baby (or toddler) and doing what people like you did at that age. Sometimes, if you were particularly feisty or bored, you might even let out a screech or a cry. A baby did that at a restaurant last night. We were there. Two of my four kids, my husband and I. We thought the little guy was adorable. Not bad, not good, just, well, a baby. Let me give you the setting. We were dining at our favorite Indian Restaurant, a place called Tamarind of London. A very important name as it is [...]