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29 03, 2011

Real You: The joy of dinners

By |2023-02-07T00:14:44+00:00March 29, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: The joy of dinners

     I enjoyed the best meal last night. Not because of the food, although it was wonderful. Because of the people. A group of people I'd never met before came together last night in Santa Monica and we talked about books. These were a group of booksellers and I've never had the opportunity to sit and share a meal with a group of people more  passionate about books than I am. (And I love books.)      The dinner was at The Penthouse Restaurant on the top floor of The Huntley Hotel in Santa Monica and our table had a sweeping view of the ocean and the sunset, the mountains, downtown LA, and even, later, the lights of the airplanes landing at LAX. Surroundings aside, it was magical. Many of the booksellers had not had the chance to meet each other before, either, so while we all [...]

19 11, 2009

Real You: Synergy rocks

By |2023-02-07T00:19:39+00:00November 19, 2009|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Synergy rocks

Tonight I had a chance to meet a group of people I've never met before. In fact, this week and last has been an abundance of new connections and people in my life. Each and every person we encounter teaches us something - about ourselves. How open we are to learning from them is the challenge. People come into your life for a reason. Some stop by for just a few minutes; others stay a lifetime. What you carry forward from these encounters matters. And when you really, truly, feel synergy with a group of people, it rocks. Celebrate!

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