
10 05, 2011

Real You: Heading to Hollywood Tonight

By |2023-02-07T00:09:27+00:00May 10, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Heading to Hollywood Tonight

Really, I am. Tonight I'm doing a signing and reading of HERE, HOME, HOPE in Larchmont Village - very close to Hollywood. Which got me thinking about the town where dreams are made...which then got me thinking about dreams coming true. All those years ago, when I dreamed of seeing a novel of mine on a bookstore shelf, I never dreamed that I'd be in Hollywood for a book signing! I know, I'm showing my Midwestern sensibilities here, but pinch me, please! So if you cannot make it to Chevalier's Books tonight, imagine me, with a huge grin, soaking it all in. These are those moments when I thank God for all my blessings. And I thank you for supporting me. And if your dreams still haven't yet come true, don't give up. Your pinchable moment is on the horizon. Keep believing!

28 04, 2011

Real You: Resilience

By |2023-02-07T00:09:57+00:00April 28, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Resilience

     The most important aspect of the writing life, to me, is resilience. You know it, if you’re a writer. Resilience isn’t a trait that is taught, it’s learned. It’s the inner drive that allows us to bounce back, to recover from adversity – whether it’s our first rejection or our latest. Because we know as writers that to do this thing, this craft and this job we love, we must be buoyant. We must keep hope floating, even in the face of all the facts.  And the facts are daunting. The journey from a completed manuscript to actually holding a published book in your hands can be a long and frustrating one. We’ve all heard of the overnight success stories. But that’s why we’ve all heard of them. For most of us, it will be a journey of perseverance, of heartache and ultimately, with enough [...]

17 04, 2011

Real You: Down to the wire and out to the world

By |2023-02-07T00:10:30+00:00April 17, 2011|passions, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Down to the wire and out to the world

     Have you ever worked on something for a decade or more? Something so important to you that your dreams, hopes and wishes are one with the project. I have. It happened as we created and built Real Living Real Estate, and it's happening again, now, as I launch my debut novel into the world.      Just like Real Living, my novel isn't for everybody. But I hope most people who pick it up and give it a read will like it. But all I can do is send it out to the world, knowing I did my best.

10 09, 2010

Real You: Waiting is the hardest part

By |2023-02-07T00:16:33+00:00September 10, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Waiting is the hardest part

Today, I'm waiting. I am not a patient person. And that may be an understatement. So this feeling I'm feeling is not comfortable. But really, the entire process of book writing is filled with a lot of waiting - so I should be okay with it by now. But I'm not. Today I'm waiting to see the second round of cover comps. It's true, that saying, you really do judge books by their covers. So to me, the cover is huge. Monumental. And if you're a visual person like me, waiting to see what the book designer selects to represent your words is agonizing. Sharing my waiting has helped. Thanks for listening. And, when the waiting is over and my novel has a face, so to speak, I'll share that, too!

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