
21 12, 2012

99 authors, 99 books, 99 cents! Plus, a $500 prize! Today only!

By |2023-02-06T23:51:31+00:00December 21, 2012|giveaway|Comments Off on 99 authors, 99 books, 99 cents! Plus, a $500 prize! Today only!

These prices are available on Amazon only. I'm so happy ALL THE DIFFERENCE is included in this fun selection of books. Happy shopping and don't miss your chance to win some of the $990 worth of prizes! For a listing of books offered and to enter to win, click here!!  

11 12, 2012

Naughty or Nice Holiday Giveaway! Winner Announced!

By |2023-02-06T23:51:42+00:00December 11, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Naughty or Nice Holiday Giveaway! Winner Announced!

It's the most wonderful time of the year! And to celebrate, we've asked two of our favorite leading ladies - Kelly from HERE, HOME, HOPE - and Ellen from ALL THE DIFFERENCE - to select prizes they'd love to receive. Ellen, representing the devious women of Grandville, selected some Naughty gifts - Arsenic perfume, a Black Swan Ornament, a Journal to write about her secret lives, a Swarm of Bees candle and more. Kelly, representing the happier women of Grandville, selected an assortment of Nice presents for you including Rosewater perfume, a handblown White swan ornament, a journal to record your good deeds, a pure white soy candle and more. To enter, leave a comment or enter via Rafflecopter here or on my Facebook Author Page! UPDATE: WINNER ANNOUNCED! Emerald Barnes is the winner of the Naughty & Nice Giveaway! Thank you to all of you who entered! More exciting giveaways and events are coming - as [...]

9 05, 2012

RealYou: A Mother’s Day Gift for You

By |2023-02-07T00:06:16+00:00May 9, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on RealYou: A Mother’s Day Gift for You

To celebrate Mother's Day - and our mutual love of books and reading - I am giving away 10 copies of my first short story, A MOTHER'S DAY. To enter, all you need to do is email me - Kaira - at - - and let me know you're interested. The contest is open until Monday, May 14! Good luck! And, as a bonus, ALL THE DIFFERENCE - eBook version - price is now $2.99 in celebration of moms, summer and all things wonderful and bright. (But remember, this book is sexy, suburban, suspense - so not as bright as HERE, HOME, HOPE!) Good luck to all! And if you're a mother, please have a wonderful Mother's Day!  

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