
25 08, 2010

Real You: This is what happens in Vegas

By |2023-02-07T00:16:39+00:00August 25, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: This is what happens in Vegas

We decided to take a last-minute, end of the summer family trip and where did we head? Las Vegas, of course. Yes, while it may not spring to mind as a wholesome family bonding spot, no matter where you travel with your kids, it can be a chance to bring you all closer together (literally in our case via the road trip). And here's what happens in Vegas: we talked, we laughed, we went to a show every night, we swam in huge pools and wandered through immense hotels. And now, we're back. Gearing up for school to start. Reconnected to technology, responsibility, and work. I'm glad that what happened in Vegas - for our family - will stay, not in Vegas, but in our memories for a lifetime.

3 08, 2010

Real You: The entrepreneurial spirit

By |2023-02-07T00:16:46+00:00August 3, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: The entrepreneurial spirit

It’s the decade of the entrepreneur! It’s true. Today’s U.S. economy is fueled by 29.6 million small businesses, led by people just like you, people who are entrepreneurs who made their dreams into reality. Truth is, the only way to begin the journey of entrepreneurship is to start. And start today. Each one of us is in a unique position to approach our work in a fresh new way. One that’s real and authentic to each of us as individuals. What compelled me to write my book, Real You Incorporated and to create the 8-step Real You Process, is the last few years as I’ve watched people not satisfied doing things the same way. I’ve spent the last 20 years of my life as a leader in business, as the vice president of several companies, and always, as an entrepreneur. When I created my most [...]

8 01, 2010

Real You: New Year, Real You

By |2023-02-07T00:19:13+00:00January 8, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: New Year, Real You

How's the first week of the New Year been treating you? If you're like a lot of people, you started the week with the best of intentions and resolutions. And by now, perhaps, you're feeling as if you've failed. Maybe you didn't stick strictly to the diet or perhaps you didn't quit smoking. But you know what? It's ok. Defining yourslf - and your self worth - by New Year's Resolutions is a dangerous and ultimately, for most people, a negative exercise. Instead, let's tackle this year by defining your unique personal brand. The you who you are - who you always have been - and putting that to work in the world. You are unique. But you knew thaat. Did you also know you are uniquely marketable? You just need to learn how to express your unique personal brand as a Real marketable business [...]

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