
2 05, 2012

Real You: The treasures that matter in the vaults of life

By |2023-02-07T00:06:25+00:00May 2, 2012|aha|Comments Off on Real You: The treasures that matter in the vaults of life

The truth is, I'm not having a great time with this move. We were relocated due to my husband's job - suddenly - over Thanksgiving and picked a place to live quickly, and for a short-term lease. Now, it's up and we're off. Two things. It's hard to move - for a short-term - a family of six with two dogs and piles of stuff. It's even harder to move - again - five months later. Second, I've found I'm practicing for empty nesting. I am letting go. I am a natural pack rat, and when the vaults - yes they call them vaults - of stuff we had in storage from two moves ago pulled up on a semi-truck in front of the new house, I wanted to tell them the driver he had the wrong address. Clearly, I didn't need the vault contents [...]

28 04, 2010

Real You: The secret to sanity and moving

By |2023-02-07T00:17:24+00:00April 28, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: The secret to sanity and moving

Recently, we moved. You would think, being in residential real estate all of these years, I would realize how taxing a move is...and well, I did. In theory. In reality, moving is horrible. If you are in the process of it, I feel for you. After two weeks of the process, my only secret to sanity is this: cherish the ability to find little treasures buried and uncovered through the process. And then, get back to those boxes!

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