That’s what I decided when I embarked on this new fiction writing career. If not now, when? Sure, I could continue to dream about becoming a published novelist. That was one of my favorite escapes, actually, wandering through a wonderful bookstore and admiring all of the titles on the New Fiction shelf. I kept thinking, well, sure, someday that could be me. But I’ll tell you what. That someday would never have come about unless I decided to go for it. As in everything in life – making your dreams come true ultimately is up to you.
How about you? What are you putting off? If you’re waiting for the perfect moment to pursue your passions, you’ll be waiting forever. There really is no time like the present. It starts with believing in yourself and your dreams. If your dream is to become an entrepreneur, get started today. You don’t need to quit your day job immediately, but you need to start moving toward your dream. Research. Interview women already successful in the field of your dreams.

    What inspires you? What is missing in your life? Is your dream to write and be published? Start now. Sign up for classes. Carry a journal. Take action to begin to make your dreams come true.

Start now on the path to becoming who you truly are. Believe in yourself. The money will follow. If you start today, start to move forward, you are on your way to a miracle. Your own reinvention.

If not now, when?

Note: if you need inspiration to get going, my book Real You Incorporated may be just the ticket. If you’d like to support my dream, please preorder HERE, HOME, HOPE! Thank you!!