
About Kaira Rouda

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So far Kaira Rouda has created 432 blog entries.
13 09, 2010

Real You: Synergy!

By |2023-02-07T00:16:28+00:00September 13, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Synergy!

Just finished a great interview with Deborah Shane on her radio show. We talked about everything we are both passionate about: the power of women in busness, entrepreneurism, personal branding and more. If you missed it, here is a link so you can listen in! Listen to internet radio with Deborah Shane on Blog Talk Radio . It's great to find synergy with someone. When you do, celebrate. Help each other. Grow together. That's what life is all about!

10 09, 2010

Real You: Waiting is the hardest part

By |2023-02-07T00:16:33+00:00September 10, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Waiting is the hardest part

Today, I'm waiting. I am not a patient person. And that may be an understatement. So this feeling I'm feeling is not comfortable. But really, the entire process of book writing is filled with a lot of waiting - so I should be okay with it by now. But I'm not. Today I'm waiting to see the second round of cover comps. It's true, that saying, you really do judge books by their covers. So to me, the cover is huge. Monumental. And if you're a visual person like me, waiting to see what the book designer selects to represent your words is agonizing. Sharing my waiting has helped. Thanks for listening. And, when the waiting is over and my novel has a face, so to speak, I'll share that, too!

25 08, 2010

Real You: This is what happens in Vegas

By |2023-02-07T00:16:39+00:00August 25, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: This is what happens in Vegas

We decided to take a last-minute, end of the summer family trip and where did we head? Las Vegas, of course. Yes, while it may not spring to mind as a wholesome family bonding spot, no matter where you travel with your kids, it can be a chance to bring you all closer together (literally in our case via the road trip). And here's what happens in Vegas: we talked, we laughed, we went to a show every night, we swam in huge pools and wandered through immense hotels. And now, we're back. Gearing up for school to start. Reconnected to technology, responsibility, and work. I'm glad that what happened in Vegas - for our family - will stay, not in Vegas, but in our memories for a lifetime.

3 08, 2010

Real You: The entrepreneurial spirit

By |2023-02-07T00:16:46+00:00August 3, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: The entrepreneurial spirit

It’s the decade of the entrepreneur! It’s true. Today’s U.S. economy is fueled by 29.6 million small businesses, led by people just like you, people who are entrepreneurs who made their dreams into reality. Truth is, the only way to begin the journey of entrepreneurship is to start. And start today. Each one of us is in a unique position to approach our work in a fresh new way. One that’s real and authentic to each of us as individuals. What compelled me to write my book, Real You Incorporated and to create the 8-step Real You Process, is the last few years as I’ve watched people not satisfied doing things the same way. I’ve spent the last 20 years of my life as a leader in business, as the vice president of several companies, and always, as an entrepreneur. When I created my most [...]

23 07, 2010

Real You: The power of your voice

By |2023-02-07T00:16:57+00:00July 23, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: The power of your voice

One of my favorite people, voice coach Arthur Joseph, has worked with an amazing line-up of celebrities, sports stars and ordinary folks in addition to his work with singers. His message, quite simply, is your voice is the window to your heart and soul. In his world, your voice is your Real You. The ability to speak clearly, to be heard, to voice your opinion is essential today, probably more than ever. Because even with technology and instant communication, when you have a chance to face one person or a room full of people, it's your voice, your words and their power that will either make them hear you or not. And there is nothing like voice to convey emotion. (I'm saying that and I'm a writer!) Case in point: just spoke with my 15 year old on the telephone. He's at camp in Maine. [...]

9 07, 2010

Real You: What’s shaking?

By |2023-02-07T00:17:06+00:00July 9, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: What’s shaking?

Yes, I was. During the 5.4 magnitude earthquake - the first such experience of my life. Just me, and the dog, and a house rolling like we'd just set sail on rough seas. And yes, it was quick, but it didn't seem like it. My mild earthquake experience jolted me into realizing - again - that we don't know what's coming, but we can do our best to be prepared for it. Myself, I froze instead of heading to a reinforced doorway. (Very disappointing.) Next time, I hope to do better. The quake also made me realize - again - that even though it is summer, and it could be easy to not work as hard or not write this blog or not pursue my dream, I need to keep moving forward. Don't let the season lull or dull your passion. Be ready to move, [...]

1 07, 2010

Real You: A summer to celebrate

By |2023-02-07T00:17:16+00:00July 1, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: A summer to celebrate

With all the celebrations you're planning for the July 4th weekend and more, don't forget to celebrate all you've accomplished so far this year. Take a moment - you deserve it - and realize all you've done. And, if you're feeling stuck, or rudderless, take this time to figure out why. This book can help! Summer gives us a break in routine. A reason to go outside more, to smile, to share. But if you're not taking advantage of all that summer offers - if you're overscheduled, overwhelmed - figure out why and change it now! Summer is here. It's time to celebrate. And it's a great time to be sure the Real You enjoys every moment!

8 06, 2010

Real You: Passion Poppers

By |2023-02-07T00:17:19+00:00June 8, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Passion Poppers

You recognize passion when you see it, don't you? It's that sparkle in a person's eye, the spring in her step. Passionate people exude pure, real energy. Confidence and a sense of empowerment. Everything they say is infused with enthusiasm. We all recognize it - and hopefully - we all want passion in our lives. Unfortunately, the road to finding and remaining true to your passions is littered with the realities of life. Disappointments and setbacks abound, no matter your age, no matter whether there is a recession or not. (Although, it's especially true today.) Disappointment is a fact of life. These events hurt our hearts and dampen our fire. Did you know Lucille Ball was kicked out of acting school and told she had no talent? True. But she didn't let that hurt keep her down, or dampen her passion for acting. So if [...]

28 04, 2010

Real You: The secret to sanity and moving

By |2023-02-07T00:17:24+00:00April 28, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: The secret to sanity and moving

Recently, we moved. You would think, being in residential real estate all of these years, I would realize how taxing a move is...and well, I did. In theory. In reality, moving is horrible. If you are in the process of it, I feel for you. After two weeks of the process, my only secret to sanity is this: cherish the ability to find little treasures buried and uncovered through the process. And then, get back to those boxes!

22 03, 2010

Real You: Live like you’re dying

By |2023-02-07T00:18:18+00:00March 22, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Live like you’re dying

This morning, near where I live, two women were struck by cars as they walked along the road to their bus stop. One woman died of her injuries. Just like that. My teenage daughter pulled out of the driveway last week and suddenly found herself crashed into a tree (nobody was hurt, just the car and the tree). Just like that. A moment can change everything. Moments do change everything. Live today to the fullest, soak up the sun when it shines and be thankful for your blessings. It's hard, with all you do. I know. Living in the moment, thankfully for today, sometimes seems a luxury. But, it's our choice to be happy, to treasure moments. Now, look around you and smile.

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