
About Kaira Rouda

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So far Kaira Rouda has created 432 blog entries.
15 05, 2009

Stop apologizing already.

By |2023-02-07T01:47:06+00:00May 15, 2009|apologize, common phrases, giving, power struggle|Comments Off on Stop apologizing already.

It's a fact that women apologize more frequently than men. Many times we do it just to be polite. But is it diminishing our credibility? Our power? Yes. Do you ever find yourself saying any of these phrases? • “I'm sorry, but I think...” • “I'm sorry you have to do this, but...” • “I'm sorry to bother you with...” • “I'm sorry, this might not be exactly what you wanted...” A talented member of our team constantly apologizes, even for situations she has no knowledge about and no control over. Another young woman, who had a different opinion from the rest of our group, began her sentence during a meeting with, “I'm sorry, but I think we could do it this way.” Just like that, she gave her power away. She weakened her point with that little word. While “I'm sorry” CAN be very [...]

14 05, 2009

Attending NAR Mid-Year Conference?

By |2023-02-07T01:47:14+00:00May 14, 2009|entrepreneurs, Mid-Year Conference, National Association of Realtors, women's council of realtors|Comments Off on Attending NAR Mid-Year Conference?

If so, I'll see you there! I'm presenting "Putting the Real You in Your Business" tomorrow at the Women's Council of Realtors' education session at the Capital Hilton in Washington DC. I'll be focusing on branding with personality and speaking to your No. 1 customer. I love presenting to real estate folks. They're a powerful group of passionate entrepreneurs who know how to roll with the punches and stick with it in good times and bad. If you'll be a Mid-Year, please stop by my session. I'd love to meet you!

13 05, 2009

Taking the time to plant a tree

By |2023-02-07T01:47:21+00:00May 13, 2009|busy, diverse, moms, smile, stay at home, work|Comments Off on Taking the time to plant a tree

As I helped out with my son's 6th grade class Tree Planting Day, I looked around at all the other "parent leaders" and noticed the diversity represented in the volunteers. Of course, there were a couple dads, but I was focusing on the moms. We represented the reality of moms today. Some of us work full time, some are full-time stay-at-home moms (SAHMs). Many work part-time. Most all have more than one child. We were a wide range of ages - from early 30s to mid-50s. We were, with our shovels, today's moms. One took a call from work while we dug; another a call from a nurse about a sick child at elementary school. There are more than 82 million moms in the U.S., (82.8 as of 2004 - and I'm sure there are more current figures but these stats were on the cover [...]

12 05, 2009

Bullseye Gives is a Win for Target

By |2023-02-07T01:47:30+00:00May 12, 2009|charity, community, giving back, Target|Comments Off on Bullseye Gives is a Win for Target

I just love corporations with compassion. Today I came across a blog regarding the Target charity promotion on Facebook, which is part of Target’s Community Outreach program. The promotion is called Bullseye Gives and is hosted on the Target Facebook page. To participate in the challenge, everyone is invited to the Facebook page where they can help decide how Target should allocate $3 million among 10 charities. Each charity will receive a donation. The amount of the donation will be determined by the percentage of votes each charity receives. Charities include: Breast Cancer Research Foundations Operation Gratitude Feeding America Parent Teacher Association (PTA) HandsOn Network Red Cross Kids In Need Salvation Army National Park Foundation St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital You can cast one vote per day until May 25. Happy voting!

11 05, 2009

What does it mean to be a “green” business?

By |2023-02-07T01:47:39+00:00May 11, 2009|green, green business|Comments Off on What does it mean to be a “green” business?

Green is the exceptionally popular, and widely over-used, phrase everyone seems to be attaching to their business these days. It is very important to be green—at home and at work—but before you label your biz, make sure you know what it means. Check out this article from Startup Nation for the scoop. Here are some tips for greening your business: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOJr5qC2qWg&hl=en&fs=1]

8 05, 2009

Tips for young professionals entering the work force

By |2023-02-07T01:47:43+00:00May 8, 2009|communication, connecting, networking, personal brand, volunteer, young professionals|Comments Off on Tips for young professionals entering the work force

As summer approaches and graduating caps and tassels begin to fly, many young professionals are entering the workforce. So to all you young professionals, congrats! You have made it. You should be very proud of yourself and your accomplishments. Now that you are in the workforce, there are multiple ways to start rising to the top. Start building your personal brand. Your skill set, attitude and social aptitude make up your product—you. After all, you had to “sell” yourself to get this job. Now it’s time to think about how you’ll get to the next level. So, here are a few things to consider as you move forward. Identify the top five things you want your superior to say about you in a reference letter. Then, strive to be those things. Be personable and connect with others. Email is obviously an efficient way to communicate, [...]

8 05, 2009

Use meetings as a training tool

By |2023-02-07T01:47:56+00:00May 8, 2009|co-workers, entrepreneur, future, jobs, learn, meetings, new business, training, work experience|Comments Off on Use meetings as a training tool

For many of you up and coming entrepreneurs, your best learning experience is your current job. As a future business owner, the most beneficial thing you can do before you even start your company is to take notes from your current company and other employees. Long meetings are a great place to start. Consider it training for your future and how you will conduct business in your office. What do you like or dislike about the meetings? When do other employees in the meeting start to “zone out”? What helps meetings run more efficiently? Ask friends and other co-workers for their input. They may be your future employees! Remember, you can take everything you learn with you. And that’s the beauty of it. You’re learning from both the good—and the bad. So, doing your homework now—even if it is during a dull meeting—will reap great [...]

4 05, 2009

Get some new insight. Expand your mind.

By |2023-02-07T01:48:10+00:00May 4, 2009|business, continuing eduation, entrepreneur, expand, family, Kindle, m2w, read, Real You Incorporated|Comments Off on Get some new insight. Expand your mind.

You are pretty conversant in what you already know, let's hope. Your industry, your hobbies, your kids, your neighborhood. Great. You should be. That's easy. But what have you done lately to expand your mind, your knowledge? How have you challenged yourself? I just attended the Marketing to Women Conference in Chicago for the second year, and I love going because I always learn new things. Because I'm outside of my typical focus on entrepreneurism and real estate, my mind gets a break and a chance to focus and expand via a different channel. Sure, marketing to women is one of my passions, but it's not often I have a chance to mingle and share information with a group of people who share that passion. It's amazingly mind-expanding. And what, you ask, did I learn? Here's just a sampling for your consideration! • Today's women [...]

1 05, 2009

Step into the spotlight.

By |2023-02-07T01:48:22+00:00May 1, 2009|business, entrepreneurs, Fear, ideas, public speaking, snarks, taking centerstage, voice coach|Comments Off on Step into the spotlight.

Here's the thing. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a corporate employee, a SAHM or a college student, the time will come—and it probably has already—when you need to step out of the shadows and into the spotlight to claim your power. This could take the form of not letting somebody else take the credit for your paper, your proposal, your cost-cutting idea. Or, it may require the actual stepping into the spotlight, on stage or at least in a large group meeting. Does that thought terrify you? It did me, for too many years in fact. My fear of public speaking (and its accompanying fear of failure, fear of not being good enough) held me back in my business and in my life in general. It forced me to thrust others into the spotlight to say my words and present my ideas, instead of taking the [...]

30 04, 2009

What your heroes say about you

By |2023-02-07T01:48:34+00:00April 30, 2009|aspire, F- Scott Fitzgerald, Gloria Steinem, grandmothers, heroes, motivation, Personality, qualities|Comments Off on What your heroes say about you

Many of us may not take the time to stop and think about what and why we admire our heroes. However, it is important because the qualities we admire in them are often qualities that we aspire to. When you identify your heroes, you also identify common characteristics they uphold. It’s likely that these characteristics are the reasons you admire them. Think about it; test it out. You’ll discover that it’s true. You share a common value system with your heroes, or they wouldn’t make your list. Remember, heroes don’t need to be famous. There are countless everyday heroes that come into our lives—friends, relatives, teachers, coaches—even co-workers and bosses. In a sense, the characteristics you admire in these folks are a take away—a bonus. Now, apply what you learn from these individuals to your own life and career. You won’t stop being yourself. Instead, [...]

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