
31 08, 2009

Real You: Five Common Networking Mistakes

By |2023-02-07T00:20:39+00:00August 31, 2009|business, networking|Comments Off on Real You: Five Common Networking Mistakes

Whether you’re looking for a new job or not, you need to get out there and network! You can build new business, find possible colleagues and learn a lot from other people in your industry and beyond. Check out these common networking mistakes to avoid at your next luncheon. Mistake 1: Waiting for the right time. There is no right time to start networking and making connections. It’s much easier to say, “I’ve been in X industry for five years, and I love it” vs. “I recently lost my job, and I’m looking for a new opportunity.” Get involved now. Google your industry plus your city and see what comes up. There are many general networking groups out there as well. Mistake 2: Arriving without an elevator pitch. Be prepared with a three-minute pitch about yourself. Who you are and what you do is a [...]

28 08, 2009

Real You: Are you marching forward on your purpose and vision?

By |2023-02-07T00:20:47+00:00August 28, 2009|business, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, passions, vision|Comments Off on Real You: Are you marching forward on your purpose and vision?

If you are, you are stepping into your power. You are shining bright, sharing your vision with others and moving forward. You know who you are—The Real You—and you know where you are going. Your passions are defined (step 2 of the Real You process), and your personal brand is fully formed. You truly have found it within. When you are following your purpose in life—and applying that purpose and passion to your business—your competitive advantage crystallizes. You are able to use your fully formed Real You competitive advantage to delight your customers. And when you’re in business, that’s the end game. Truly. Whether you are a full-time entrepreneur, considering becoming one, or somewhere in between, your personal brand and your business brand are unstoppable as long as they are aligned with purpose and vision. Remember the strength found in conviction, in confidence. Remember, you [...]

7 08, 2009

Real You: The Movie!

By |2023-02-07T00:24:48+00:00August 7, 2009|business, entrepreneurs, passions, Uncategorized, women in business|Comments Off on Real You: The Movie!

It’s been a summer of inspiration—speaking with women all over the country about how to put—and keep—the Real You in your business and your life. It made me realize certain themes pop up, no matter the audience, and those themes are the ones I want to share with you in The Real You Movie. Grab your power, and shine! If you like the movie, please pass it on!

30 07, 2009

Real You: Are you looking for an advertising agency?

By |2023-02-07T00:25:18+00:00July 30, 2009|ads, advertising, business, hiring|Comments Off on Real You: Are you looking for an advertising agency?

Finding the right agency is like hiring a new employee. You need to be selective. The firm needs to fit in with your brand/culture—get your brand/culture. Think of your agency as an extension of your team. Because if you and your agency aren’t collaborative and creative together, you’re better off apart!  Try these agency hunting tips to ensure a stellar team for your business’ growth. Ask for recommendations. Talk to your friends, and find out what kinds of experiences they’ve had with different firms in town or across the country. Check out each agency’s past work and client list. Anyone in your space? Have a brainstorming meeting with their team—the ones who will actually work on your account. See what kinds of ideas they have. Are they fun, innovative? Do they get your brand? Learn how their processes and communication work. Will you be talking [...]

21 07, 2009

Real You: 8 Tips to Turn your Passion into Profit

By |2023-02-07T00:25:51+00:00July 21, 2009|business, business plan, business relationships, business tips, careers, company, dreams, eBook, entrepreneuership, entrepreneur|Comments Off on Real You: 8 Tips to Turn your Passion into Profit

Writing is one of my passions. Since you’re already familiar with Real You Incorporated, I’m excited to get another book into your hands. Be the first to get my new eBook, Turn your Passion into Profit: How to Create the Business of Your Dreams! It’s a 40-page, step-by-step guide to creating the business and lifestyle you’ve always wanted. It’s the perfect complement to Real You Incorporated—and it’s only $9.95!   Here are 8 tips from the eBook to get you in motion. Know your Vision. Being able to envision your business service or product, and how it is differentiated in your chosen industry, is crucial to your long-term success. Be Ready to Work—and Get Help. Are you willing to do a little bit of everything, yet ask for help when you need it? Don’t go it alone. You must have a strong enough personality to [...]

20 07, 2009

Real You: Take a Hiring Hint from Apple

By |2023-02-07T00:26:14+00:00July 20, 2009|business, entrepreneurs, hiring|Comments Off on Real You: Take a Hiring Hint from Apple

Have you ever met someone that had a spark? A stranger or acquaintance you instantly connected with and thought, that person is going places. Or maybe she was a great salesperson who went above and beyond to make your visit complete. You know, the kind of person that makes you want to visit again and again and tell your friends about the outstanding experience.  Recruit those people! They’re special. They’re driven. They’re unique, and they might just make the perfect addition to your team. You could begin the conversation by asking how they enjoy doing x. Or maybe you say, “You are a fantastic salesperson. Have you ever thought about the X industry?”  One of my favorite brands, Apple, approaches these rising stars with “enticement” cards that display their logo with these words: “You’re amazing. We should talk.” The back goes on to tell the [...]

17 07, 2009

Real You: Take the Leap

By |2023-02-07T00:26:19+00:00July 17, 2009|business, entrepreneurs, passions, women, women in business|Comments Off on Real You: Take the Leap

"If you're never scared or embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take any chances."-Julia Sorel (Rosalyn Drexler), See How She Runs, 1978 You know the feeling. For me, it's sweaty palms. For you it may be a racing heart, or butterflies in the stomach—all those tell-tale signs that you're uncomfortable. Your body is triggering the flight sensors, and you're going to go along with it. But then you take a deep breath, maybe have a little cry or call a friend, and realize this leap out of your comfort zone is what will propel you forward, get you to the next big thing. You realize that without the uneasy feeling of the unknown, it's easy to be stuck in the familiar and known. To grow a business, and for that matter, to grow a life, you need to keep pushing. To keep growing and [...]

10 07, 2009

Entrepreneurship: The Road to Independence

By |2023-02-07T00:26:40+00:00July 10, 2009|business, entrepreneurs, passions|Comments Off on Entrepreneurship: The Road to Independence

What is independence? To me, it's entrepreneurship. It's the ability to do what I love, when I want, with whom I want. It's the new American dream. Women everywhere are making it happen, and you can, too! Here are my top five reasons you should take the leap. 1. Independence. I love this quote from an anonymous high school student: "Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won't, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can't." I couldn't have said it better. 2. Creative Reign. This is your chance to express your brand. To connect. To reach out. To give your customers just what they need, wrapped in a package that's uniquely you. 3. Passion. Create your own fireworks by doing what you love. Pursing your passions makes your heart happy. I promise! 4. [...]

8 07, 2009

Should You Network Via Email?

By |2023-02-07T00:26:47+00:00July 8, 2009|business, business relationships, networking|Comments Off on Should You Network Via Email?

I received a question from a woman asking: “Is it okay to network via email?”  I wish I could start every relationship face-to-face, but it’s just not possible. In this day and age, it’s not uncommon to correspond with individuals who live on the other side of the country—or even in another part of the world—without ever meeting them in person. Thank you, Twitter! Relationships grow and people conduct business this way every single day—and it works. That being said, when you have the opportunity to meet someone in person, do it. This is your opportunity to put your best foot forward.  After the relationship has been established, corresponding via e-mail, and even social networks, is perfectly acceptable. Always ask, what’s the best way to communicate? According to the Meta Group Survey, 80 percent of people prefer typing to talking. Think about the number of [...]

6 07, 2009

How Women-Owned Businesses are Surviving the Recession

By |2023-02-07T00:26:54+00:00July 6, 2009|business, entrepreneurs, Real You Incorporated, women, women in business|Comments Off on How Women-Owned Businesses are Surviving the Recession

Women are starting businesses at rapid rates and thriving, despite the economic downturn. According to a recent study conducted by Florida International University’s Center for Leadership and The Commonwealth Institute of South Florida, women-owned businesses are doing better in the recession than most. Key Factors: Women traditionally take on less debt and thus have more flexibility during tough times. Women also try to strategize and reach out instead of jumping to cost-cutting measures. This is exactly the route Rachel Sapoznik, CEO of Sapoznik Insurance, took to grow her business without eliminating staff. See the full story on how Sapoznik’s and other women business owners’ determination and networking led to success in hard times. Looking for recession proofing tips? Sign up for my tip of the week or follow me on Twitter!

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