business tips

21 07, 2009

Real You: 8 Tips to Turn your Passion into Profit

By |2023-02-07T00:25:51+00:00July 21, 2009|business, business plan, business relationships, business tips, careers, company, dreams, eBook, entrepreneuership, entrepreneur|Comments Off on Real You: 8 Tips to Turn your Passion into Profit

Writing is one of my passions. Since you’re already familiar with Real You Incorporated, I’m excited to get another book into your hands. Be the first to get my new eBook, Turn your Passion into Profit: How to Create the Business of Your Dreams! It’s a 40-page, step-by-step guide to creating the business and lifestyle you’ve always wanted. It’s the perfect complement to Real You Incorporated—and it’s only $9.95!   Here are 8 tips from the eBook to get you in motion. Know your Vision. Being able to envision your business service or product, and how it is differentiated in your chosen industry, is crucial to your long-term success. Be Ready to Work—and Get Help. Are you willing to do a little bit of everything, yet ask for help when you need it? Don’t go it alone. You must have a strong enough personality to [...]

17 04, 2009

It’s time to de-stress, if ever so briefly!

By |2023-02-07T01:50:40+00:00April 17, 2009|attitudes, business tips, de-clutter, laughter, stress, Tina Turner|Comments Off on It’s time to de-stress, if ever so briefly!

It's tough out there. Whether you run your own business, work for somebody else or work at home taking care of the kids, things are tight. People are grumpy. Budgets are cut and, well, it's just plain stressful. That got me to thinking of tips I've heard and used to create a little peace and relaxation in the middle of the day. Always remember, if you're stressed and in a bad mood, you project it through everything you do. Personally, my jaws clench, and I become short with people. And that's no fun, for me or them. I'm not as effective as a leader, a mother or a friend. And while a little stress is good for performance, a lot of stress throws you and your nervous system out of whack, leading to nasty physical consequences as well as leaving you vulnerable to anxiety and [...]

14 04, 2009

Sharing Your Secrets. Good or Bad?

By |2023-02-07T01:51:06+00:00April 14, 2009|business tips, entrepreneur, friends, sharing, starting a business, tfamily, women business owners|Comments Off on Sharing Your Secrets. Good or Bad?

Whenever women business owners get together they like to talk about their families and their business. Unlike their male counterparts, women business owners, counterparts seek out the opinions and input of others. We know this from research conducted by the National Foundation for Women Business Owners (NFWBO). I believe that women benefit from this behavior. Of course, there are boundaries you’ll need to adhere to, but that shouldn’t stop you from gaining the wisdom and insight of others. Connecting with others is a natural instinct for women. So don’t be afraid to get out there and start connecting by sharing trials, tribulations and success stories. Once you open up other women will too. But like I said there are boundaries, do share all the ins and outs, but be willing to help. And always remember, watch out for the snarks! They are out there and [...]

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