starting a business

14 04, 2009

Sharing Your Secrets. Good or Bad?

By |2023-02-07T01:51:06+00:00April 14, 2009|business tips, entrepreneur, friends, sharing, starting a business, tfamily, women business owners|Comments Off on Sharing Your Secrets. Good or Bad?

Whenever women business owners get together they like to talk about their families and their business. Unlike their male counterparts, women business owners, counterparts seek out the opinions and input of others. We know this from research conducted by the National Foundation for Women Business Owners (NFWBO). I believe that women benefit from this behavior. Of course, there are boundaries you’ll need to adhere to, but that shouldn’t stop you from gaining the wisdom and insight of others. Connecting with others is a natural instinct for women. So don’t be afraid to get out there and start connecting by sharing trials, tribulations and success stories. Once you open up other women will too. But like I said there are boundaries, do share all the ins and outs, but be willing to help. And always remember, watch out for the snarks! They are out there and [...]

4 03, 2009

The time is now, start your own business today!

By |2023-02-07T01:53:11+00:00March 4, 2009|dreams, entrepreneurs, passions, personal brand, starting a business, women|Comments Off on The time is now, start your own business today!

It’s never too late to start your own business! Whether you are 28 or 72, if you are passionate about business, you will succeed. As the baby boomer generation grows older, it is more common to see that those approaching retiring age are not emotionally ready to do so. Every 60 seconds, a woman starts a business, and a large percentage of those women are over the age of 50. Many of these women have a productive career behind them, years of knowledge packed away and still dream of running their own business. And there are not limitations on making your dreams come true. I tell people all the time that it’s never too early or too late to create their personal brand. Everything you’ve done up to this point has prepared you for entrepreneurship, and you are uniquely qualified to make your dreams and [...]

7 08, 2008

Things to consider before starting a business

By |2023-02-07T13:28:37+00:00August 7, 2008|mentors, networking, Real You Incorporated, Rouda, speaker, starting a business, women, women in business|Comments Off on Things to consider before starting a business

Before bringing a great business idea to life, you must prepare yourself for what’s ahead. There are many things you can do, but begin by connecting with people. First, find a mentor, a person who can teach you the ropes and share personal experiences at the same time. Learn from this individual. Why is she successful? What could this person have done differently? Of course, you may have to step out of your comfort zone. For instance, the next time you’re riding the elevator with a co-worker you don’t know, introduce yourself. It’s critical to develop relationships, so start immediately! Do you have a fantastic mentor that you want to tell us about? Go ahead, we’d love to hear about the real people in your life! For more on mentors and networking check out my book, Real You Incorporated: 8 Essentials for Women Entrepreneurs.

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