women business owners

14 04, 2009

Sharing Your Secrets. Good or Bad?

By |2023-02-07T01:51:06+00:00April 14, 2009|business tips, entrepreneur, friends, sharing, starting a business, tfamily, women business owners|Comments Off on Sharing Your Secrets. Good or Bad?

Whenever women business owners get together they like to talk about their families and their business. Unlike their male counterparts, women business owners, counterparts seek out the opinions and input of others. We know this from research conducted by the National Foundation for Women Business Owners (NFWBO). I believe that women benefit from this behavior. Of course, there are boundaries you’ll need to adhere to, but that shouldn’t stop you from gaining the wisdom and insight of others. Connecting with others is a natural instinct for women. So don’t be afraid to get out there and start connecting by sharing trials, tribulations and success stories. Once you open up other women will too. But like I said there are boundaries, do share all the ins and outs, but be willing to help. And always remember, watch out for the snarks! They are out there and [...]

6 04, 2009

Finding a Balance that Works for You

By |2023-02-07T01:52:10+00:00April 6, 2009|business, entrepreneur, passions, stress, women business owners, work life balance personal brand|Comments Off on Finding a Balance that Works for You

Women continually struggle with work-life balance. There are many women who believe there is this set, generic and ideal form of balance. However, that is just not the case. Balance differs for everyone. What works for your co-worker may not work for you. And what works for you may not work for your neighbor. Everyone is different and has a different job and your work-life balance should reflect that. Also, many women believe that their personal and business life should be completely different. But instead hear this: Your business is your personal life. By that I mean if you develop your business around your personal brand essence, then the real you will rise to the surface. You’re a package. Your values, personality—even your passions—they all come together to create a personal brand that defines you. Now take it one step further and incorporate that brand [...]

16 01, 2009

Add excitement and laughter to your business

By |2023-02-07T02:10:47+00:00January 16, 2009|business model, company culture, laughter, small business, women business owners, work enviroment|Comments Off on Add excitement and laughter to your business

The thought that all businesses must be strict, ridged, dull and lifeless is not outdated. Business owners should not be afraid to fill their business with laughter and fun. Consumers and employees are looking for an enjoyable experience. Adding life and personality to your business welcomes consumers and keeps them coming back for more. I always say go for the laughter. As adults, we often let the laughter escape from our lives—and that’s a huge mistake. Much has been written about the health benefits of laughter. From relieving stress to boosting the immune system, it’s a one-way ticket to promoting good health. In a work environment, having a little fun promotes camaraderie, and that’s critical for building an effective team. This is one time when it’s a good idea to take a cue from the kids in your life. They haven’t forgotten what it’s like [...]

3 10, 2008

Your Business, Your Brand, Your Culture

By |2023-02-07T02:15:52+00:00October 3, 2008|Brands, company culture, Competitive advantage, Kaira Rouda, Real You Incorporated, women business owners, women entrepreneurs|Comments Off on Your Business, Your Brand, Your Culture

If you happen to be in Columbus, Ohio, on Oct. 9, I'll be presenting "Putting the Real You in Your Business" at the National Association of Women Business Owners luncheon. I'll be sharing insights on:• Establishing a successful brand for yourself• Putting yourself at the center of your business• Giving your company a competitive advantage• Building a great company culture• Creating lifetime relationships with your clients The meeting will be held from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Smith and Wollensky at Easton Town Center. For more information and to RSVP, visit NAWBO Columbus. I hope to see you there!

9 07, 2008

Pursue Your Charitable Passion

By |2023-02-07T13:29:47+00:00July 9, 2008|charity, giving, passions, Real You Incorporated, volunteer, Wexner Center for the Arts, women business owners|Comments Off on Pursue Your Charitable Passion

If you’re not engaged in a charitable pursuit, follow your heart to get there. Pay attention to the needs in your community, and when it feels right, respond. Pick three areas where your gifts could shine. Then, seek out organizations in your community that serve at least one of your chosen areas. Write them down, and check out their Web sites. Better yet, refer to http://www.volunteermatch.org/ for more ideas. I’m a huge believer in giving back, and I make sure it’s part of my business and personal life. One of my many loves is the arts, and that’s why I’m a founding donor of the Wexner Center for the Arts. I will be hosting a panel discussion with five other notable women from the Columbus business community, including four from the book, at the Wexner Center at a date TBA. We’ll be discussing how women [...]

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