Kaira Rouda

11 11, 2019

A daughter is just a little girl who grows up to be your best friend, and writing partner!

By |2023-02-07T00:07:30+00:00November 11, 2019|bloggin, blogs, book, Kaira Rouda, moms|Comments Off on A daughter is just a little girl who grows up to be your best friend, and writing partner!

Mothers and daughters have such a special bond. And that’s the case with my daughter, Avery, and I. As a bonus, my daughter is a writer, too. She’s a screenwriter to be exact and that comes in so handy when your book-to-film agent asks if you would be interested in adapting THE FAVORITE DAUGHTER. Why no, that though terrifies me. But with my daughter’s encouragement, we said yes and the result was a wonderful experience for both of us. Hopefully, the script will find a home, but either way. Avery and I have discovered a wonderful way of working together. It’s awesome. We’re tackling another one of my novels next. Stay tuned! And, for a limited time, THE FAVORITE DAUGHTER ebook is on sale for just $2.99 EXCLUSIVELY on Amazon.  

4 06, 2011

Real You: Book Parties!

By |2023-02-07T00:06:02+00:00June 4, 2011|Debba Haupert, girlfriendology, girlfriends, Here Home Hope, Kaira Rouda|Comments Off on Real You: Book Parties!

     Don't you just love a party? I do. And I have had a blast this past month at launch parties for HERE, HOME, HOPE at friends' homes and at amazing small businesses across the country. If you're interested in hosting a party - and having me there - please let me know! We have a Book Party Kit and more to help make your event a fun, memorable summer soiree! Please contact me - kaira AT kairarouda.com for more information or send me a message on Facebook or Twitter.      Coming up this month are stops in Dallas (June 8 and 9), Los Angeles (June 10-13), Scottsdale (June 14 and 15) - followed closely by Chicago, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Louisville, Nashville, Jacksonville, Orlando, and then a huge swing through the Northeast: Portland, Boston, Cape Cod, Nantucket and more. I would love to join you, your friends, your book [...]

20 09, 2010

Real You: Choices

By |2023-02-07T00:16:17+00:00September 20, 2010|aha, authors, choice, Kaira Rouda, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Choices

I am stuck. Doesn't happen much, because I try to be a woman of action. Afterall, my refrain is put your passion into action. But here's the problem. I need to choose a cover for my novel - Here, Home, Hope - being published in May 2011. But there are two good choices and I'm not sure which one to go with. People do judge books by their covers. It's arguably the biggest, most important decision surrounding a book. The cover conveys visual cues about tone, subject, substance and so much more. And well, that's why I'm stuck. Please, if you like to read women's fiction and you have an opinion one way or another, please let me know! The choices are here, on my Facebook Fan Page, Kaira Rouda Books. And, of course, I'd love for you to become a fan. Pick a cover, [...]

5 06, 2009

Ready, Set, Launch – Gulp

By |2023-02-07T01:45:54+00:00June 5, 2009|Kaira Rouda, kids, launching a business, perfection, Web site|Comments Off on Ready, Set, Launch – Gulp

As an entrepreneur, you know the feeling! Whether you're a solopreneur, mompreneur, intrapreneur (an entrepreneur within a company), a multi-million dollar entrepreneur—whatever level—that moment when the project is finished and you launch it to the world is daunting. You *think* you've thought of everything, dotted all your I's as they say, but invariably, something isn't quite perfect. But it's still great. That gulp feeling, that nervousness, is all because we put too much expectation on ourselves, and our team, to be perfect. Perfect isn't sustainable or real. Perfect is a place where there is no room for improvement, and there always is. Always. So if you're like me, and you've for too long held on to that perfectionist feeling, try to work it through. Realize, as I had to, that each mistake is a chance to learn and that when you're being realistic, you realize [...]

20 04, 2009

Learn how Successful Women put Personality into Business

By |2023-02-07T01:50:25+00:00April 20, 2009|branding, business, eBook, Kaira Rouda, personal brand, Personality Not Included, Real Living, Rohit Bhatgava, Women on Personality|Comments Off on Learn how Successful Women put Personality into Business

Does your business reflect your personality? My business, Real Living, does—it’s spunky, like me! And it is part of a new eBook that was recently released, called The Personality Project: “Women of Personality”. This free eBook, by Rohit Bhatgava, author of Personality Not Included, features 20 women who have successfully melted their personalities into their businesses. Find out how they did it by downloading it from the Personality Project Web site. Bhatgava is currently accepting submissions from women to be part of the second edition, scheduled to launch in early June. To submit yourself or someone you know, send an email to pnibook@gmail.com or post a short introduction to yourself on the wall of the Women of Personality Facebook Group.

30 01, 2009

Be your best salesperson

By |2023-02-07T02:09:43+00:00January 30, 2009|branding, Estee Lauder, free samples, Kaira Rouda, makeup, Real You, salesperson, women entrepreneurs|Comments Off on Be your best salesperson

Remember, you are your brand. So embody it wherever you go, and be its biggest fan. Carry your product around. Give it away when possible. People want instant gratification, and they love the ability to touch and feel the product. It helps make that emotional connection that leads to the sale. Estée Lauder, who started her business in 1946, was frustrated when large advertising agencies wouldn’t take on her relatively small company (at the time). So she started her own campaign, which consisted of free samples and gifts with purchase. It was a huge success. She knew if a woman liked it, she would tell a friend. “If you put the product into the customer's hands, it will speak for itself if it's something of quality,” said Lauder. She strongly believed that in order to make the sale, you had to touch the customer. She [...]

26 01, 2009

Planning Your Future Business Now

By |2023-02-07T02:09:56+00:00January 26, 2009|business plan, company culture, entrepreneurs, find mentor, future business, Kaira Rouda, Real You, target audience|Comments Off on Planning Your Future Business Now

Is entrepreneurship in your future? Start preparing yourself and your business while working for another company. While at your current job, you can hone your entrepreneurial skills. Start by observing your surroundings, what works and what doesn’t. What aspects of your current job would you like to incorporate into your future company? And while you’re sitting through all those corporate meetings, think about what you like and dislike about them. Make some mental notes about what’s good and bad so you can take that knowledge with you. Start thinking about how you will define your personal brand and your company’s brand. What does the Real You look like? Developing a business plan, researching your target audience and creating a vision for your business are easy ways to start preparing for what’s ahead—your business and life as an entrepreneur! Also, while you’re still in the corporate [...]

21 01, 2009

Snark Alert- time to sound the alarm

By |2023-02-07T02:10:33+00:00January 21, 2009|Kaira Rouda, Real You, sexist remarks, snarks, strenght, victim|Comments Off on Snark Alert- time to sound the alarm

Have you recently been the victim of a sexist remark? It sounds like you have a sexist snark on your hands. Ah, those pesky snarks! A sexist snark is another person in your organization who is trying to bring you down. This type of snark resorts to making sexist comments; and as a result, they appear near the top of my snark scale. First, you’re probably shocked, like most of us, that sexist snarks can still exist in this millennium. Don’t be intimidated by their behavior. Instead, report them. If you don’t get a response or if no action is taken, move on. That’s obviously not an environment you want to be in, so cut your losses and get out. To help you navigate through the tension and stress at work check out Snark Guides. And to find out more about snarks, visit www.SnarkInfestedWaters.com.

19 01, 2009

Everyone has a story. What’s yours?

By |2023-02-07T02:10:41+00:00January 19, 2009|Competitive advantage, Kaira Rouda, personal branding, Real You, stories|Comments Off on Everyone has a story. What’s yours?

In my book I talk about telling your story and I have gotten various questions regarding this topic. Most asking “why tell your story?” And to that I respond… Because it’s unique! It’s yours and you own it. The important part of defining your personal brand is to understand how to bring it to life as a competitive advantage. Without that, you’re just another entrepreneur. With your story, you are fully formed. Within your story you find perspective. I tell people to look in their rear-view mirror. Why? Because that’s where you’ll find perspective. That’s where you’ll find answers. Define your personal brand. Make it real. Then, put the real you in your business. What is your story? I’d love to hear and be inspired.

21 10, 2008

Change the world for other women.

By |2023-02-07T02:14:11+00:00October 21, 2008|entrepreneurs, Kaira Rouda, Marsha Firestone, peers, philanthropy, Real You Incorporated, speaker, volunteer, women in business, Women Presidents' Organization|Comments Off on Change the world for other women.

You don’t need to be an entrepreneur to make this happen. It’s as simple as reaching out and empowering another woman with a kind word—or a reference. Perhaps you’d consider taking a mentee to lunch. Maybe you could find time in your schedule to volunteer with a professional woman’s organization in your community. Or, it may be time to start your own. And if you’ve attained a level of success that allows you to give your money—do it. Time and money combined are unstoppable. Throughout the last century and continuing today, women everywhere are making a difference for women of the future. Think Gloria Steinem, Hilary Clinton and local women in your community. You, too, can be one of these change-makers. Get involved now. Once you’ve reached a certain level in your career, it makes sense that you’ll learn the most from your peers. The [...]

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