women in business

7 08, 2009

Real You: The Movie!

By |2023-02-07T00:24:48+00:00August 7, 2009|business, entrepreneurs, passions, Uncategorized, women in business|Comments Off on Real You: The Movie!

It’s been a summer of inspiration—speaking with women all over the country about how to put—and keep—the Real You in your business and your life. It made me realize certain themes pop up, no matter the audience, and those themes are the ones I want to share with you in The Real You Movie. Grab your power, and shine! If you like the movie, please pass it on!

17 07, 2009

Real You: Take the Leap

By |2023-02-07T00:26:19+00:00July 17, 2009|business, entrepreneurs, passions, women, women in business|Comments Off on Real You: Take the Leap

"If you're never scared or embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take any chances."-Julia Sorel (Rosalyn Drexler), See How She Runs, 1978 You know the feeling. For me, it's sweaty palms. For you it may be a racing heart, or butterflies in the stomach—all those tell-tale signs that you're uncomfortable. Your body is triggering the flight sensors, and you're going to go along with it. But then you take a deep breath, maybe have a little cry or call a friend, and realize this leap out of your comfort zone is what will propel you forward, get you to the next big thing. You realize that without the uneasy feeling of the unknown, it's easy to be stuck in the familiar and known. To grow a business, and for that matter, to grow a life, you need to keep pushing. To keep growing and [...]

6 07, 2009

How Women-Owned Businesses are Surviving the Recession

By |2023-02-07T00:26:54+00:00July 6, 2009|business, entrepreneurs, Real You Incorporated, women, women in business|Comments Off on How Women-Owned Businesses are Surviving the Recession

Women are starting businesses at rapid rates and thriving, despite the economic downturn. According to a recent study conducted by Florida International University’s Center for Leadership and The Commonwealth Institute of South Florida, women-owned businesses are doing better in the recession than most. Key Factors: Women traditionally take on less debt and thus have more flexibility during tough times. Women also try to strategize and reach out instead of jumping to cost-cutting measures. This is exactly the route Rachel Sapoznik, CEO of Sapoznik Insurance, took to grow her business without eliminating staff. See the full story on how Sapoznik’s and other women business owners’ determination and networking led to success in hard times. Looking for recession proofing tips? Sign up for my tip of the week or follow me on Twitter!

1 07, 2009

Kindle Lovers… This is for you!

By |2023-02-07T00:27:31+00:00July 1, 2009|business, entrepreneurs, Kindle, Real You Incorporated, Uncategorized, women in business|Comments Off on Kindle Lovers… This is for you!

Amazon’s Kindle allows you to download and read thousands of books, newspapers, magazines and now blogs. This is great news for people like me, who read multiple blogs daily. There are tons of blogs listed in categories ranging from arts and entertainment to business and investing to travel, lifestyle, culture and more. And as of today, the Real You Incorporated blog is also available on Kindle blogs! Other blogs available for download include: The New York Times- Latest News, Huffington Post, The Onion, Seth’s Blog (Seth Godin) and Vanity Fair’s VF Daily Blog, among others. Blogs downloaded via Kindle blogs provide you with full text content and images and are updated wirelessly throughout the day. To learn more, visit Amazon.com and download your Real You Incorporated Kindle blog!

26 06, 2009

Questions to Ask when Beginning a New Job

By |2023-02-07T00:27:52+00:00June 26, 2009|business, entrepreneurs, job descriptions, jobs, learn, mentors, motivation, moving on, new job, positive thinking, Real You Incorporated, smile, speaker, women in business|Comments Off on Questions to Ask when Beginning a New Job

If you’ve earned a new position, congrats! When beginning a new job, it’s important to feel comfortable with the company and your new boss and team. During your first couple of days on the job, ask some of the following questions to help focus your work and set goals. • What are the top priorities for the company and our team? This question is vital to your success. If you think their priorities are XZY but they are really ABC, all of your work may be in vain. Also, ask which projects take top priority. You need to learn to budget your time. • How do you prefer to communicate and approve projects? Establishing a strong communication pattern with your boss will save you endless headaches and wasted time. If your supervisor is not one for interruptions, they may get upset if you keep dropping [...]

25 06, 2009

Here’s the Story of a Lovely Lady…

By |2023-02-07T00:28:10+00:00June 25, 2009|business, entrepreneurs, Real You Incorporated, speaker, women, women in business|Comments Off on Here’s the Story of a Lovely Lady…

…who was bringing up three very lovely girls. For many years Carol Brady was a classic American female icon and many women could and still can relate to her. But while many of us cannot afford to hire our very own housekeeper named Alice, you can now visit Alice.com! For all you multi-tasking moms and busy entrepreneurs out there, there is a new site to help you save time and money. Eliminating the middleman, Alice.com allows you to shop directly from the manufacturer to help cut down costs. Other money and time saving features include free shipping (and fuel savings because you don’t have to drive to the store), price comparison charts and coupon clipping with discounts taken off automatically at the checkout. Alice.com also keeps track of what products you buy and sends you reminders when its time to restock. You are also able [...]

23 06, 2009

Personal Recommendations Beat Out Online Sources

By |2023-02-07T00:28:20+00:00June 23, 2009|authors, branding, entrepreneurs, Real You Incorporated, speaker, women, women in business|Comments Off on Personal Recommendations Beat Out Online Sources

As I was reading my daily marketing news, I ran across a study that found most online purchasers bought because of a personal recommendation from a friend/relative (34%), followed by spouse/partner (25%), then a blogger (5%) and a chat room (5%). Truly, this is no surprise to me. Personal, one-on-one connections are gems. These are the people you trust and depend on. If Oprah tweeted, “Acai is amazing”, but my friend Jane said, “I tried it and it’s not worth the price,” I’d go with Jane. Sorry, Oprah. If you’re out there trying to make a splash in cyberspace, get the movers and shakers talking online and off. And talk to women! Women, your most valuable consumers, are twice as likely as men to recommend a product/service to a friend. Start with a core group of “sneezers”, as Seth Godin calls them. These are influential [...]

1 06, 2009

Real You in the Workplace: Act Your Gender

By |2023-02-07T01:46:12+00:00June 1, 2009|attitude, gender, networking, Personality, women in business|Comments Off on Real You in the Workplace: Act Your Gender

Women in the workplace often try to act like men in order to get ahead. However, this can sometimes backfire and cause more damage than it’s worth. Women just aren’t wired like men. And when women approach others with a male attitude, it can be a turn off. Instead, I strongly encourage you to be yourself. Don’t put on a male front. We need to be strong and stand up for ourselves, but in the appropriate manner. It’s really the only way that people will take us seriously. Women also need to remember we are natural networkers. So don’t isolate yourself—even if you are in a position of authority. Ask questions and get involved with mentors and other people in a similar line of work. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. In addition, don’t hesitate to ask questions. And definitely don’t live in a [...]

16 02, 2009

Is the glass ceiling still around?

By |2023-02-07T02:08:27+00:00February 16, 2009|entrepreneurs, glass ceiling, salary, women in business, workforce, workplace|Comments Off on Is the glass ceiling still around?

As the advancement of women is pushing new boundaries, many are wondering if the “glass ceiling” still exists. While it’s true that women are breaking the glass ceiling in some careers far more than others, such as real estate for example, they have a long way to go in other fields. Women make up 46.5 percent of the workforce, but they represent only 12 percent of all corporate officers. Those are figures that can’t be ignored. However, according to an article on AOL, some of the professions where women are earning more than men include sales engineers, statisticians, legislators, aerospace engineers, advertising managers and more. As you probably know, many women are also turning to entrepreneurship as an alternative. By establishing their real brands, they’re learning that they can make it to the top on their own terms.

21 10, 2008

Change the world for other women.

By |2023-02-07T02:14:11+00:00October 21, 2008|entrepreneurs, Kaira Rouda, Marsha Firestone, peers, philanthropy, Real You Incorporated, speaker, volunteer, women in business, Women Presidents' Organization|Comments Off on Change the world for other women.

You don’t need to be an entrepreneur to make this happen. It’s as simple as reaching out and empowering another woman with a kind word—or a reference. Perhaps you’d consider taking a mentee to lunch. Maybe you could find time in your schedule to volunteer with a professional woman’s organization in your community. Or, it may be time to start your own. And if you’ve attained a level of success that allows you to give your money—do it. Time and money combined are unstoppable. Throughout the last century and continuing today, women everywhere are making a difference for women of the future. Think Gloria Steinem, Hilary Clinton and local women in your community. You, too, can be one of these change-makers. Get involved now. Once you’ve reached a certain level in your career, it makes sense that you’ll learn the most from your peers. The [...]

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