
26 06, 2009

Questions to Ask when Beginning a New Job

By |2023-02-07T00:27:52+00:00June 26, 2009|business, entrepreneurs, job descriptions, jobs, learn, mentors, motivation, moving on, new job, positive thinking, Real You Incorporated, smile, speaker, women in business|Comments Off on Questions to Ask when Beginning a New Job

If you’ve earned a new position, congrats! When beginning a new job, it’s important to feel comfortable with the company and your new boss and team. During your first couple of days on the job, ask some of the following questions to help focus your work and set goals. • What are the top priorities for the company and our team? This question is vital to your success. If you think their priorities are XZY but they are really ABC, all of your work may be in vain. Also, ask which projects take top priority. You need to learn to budget your time. • How do you prefer to communicate and approve projects? Establishing a strong communication pattern with your boss will save you endless headaches and wasted time. If your supervisor is not one for interruptions, they may get upset if you keep dropping [...]

7 04, 2009

Building a Professional Network

By |2023-02-07T01:51:59+00:00April 7, 2009|business, entrepreneurs, leadership, mentors, networking, social media, success, women|Comments Off on Building a Professional Network

We always hear that building professional networks is vital to success, but it should also be noted that your network should reach beyond family and friends. Family and friends are great, and most of us would be lost without them. They create a great support system in a wide variety of situations—including helping you fulfill your dreams. However, if you’re talking business, you really need to expand your network. Most women rely on family members as their primary network, but these individuals don’t always have access to meaningful business information—like new leads, business experts or financial advice. Your contacts should be people who will help you develop your competitive advantage. You need diversity of opinions and backgrounds, so as you build your network, try to include individuals with varying backgrounds and expertise. Ideally, it should be people who don’t work for you. That way you [...]

7 08, 2008

Things to consider before starting a business

By |2023-02-07T13:28:37+00:00August 7, 2008|mentors, networking, Real You Incorporated, Rouda, speaker, starting a business, women, women in business|Comments Off on Things to consider before starting a business

Before bringing a great business idea to life, you must prepare yourself for what’s ahead. There are many things you can do, but begin by connecting with people. First, find a mentor, a person who can teach you the ropes and share personal experiences at the same time. Learn from this individual. Why is she successful? What could this person have done differently? Of course, you may have to step out of your comfort zone. For instance, the next time you’re riding the elevator with a co-worker you don’t know, introduce yourself. It’s critical to develop relationships, so start immediately! Do you have a fantastic mentor that you want to tell us about? Go ahead, we’d love to hear about the real people in your life! For more on mentors and networking check out my book, Real You Incorporated: 8 Essentials for Women Entrepreneurs.

16 07, 2008

Mentors: Paving the way to success

By |2023-02-07T13:29:33+00:00July 16, 2008|Carrie Runnals, mentors, podcasting, Workds to Mouth|Comments Off on Mentors: Paving the way to success

When you discover your passion in life, find someone who’s been successful at it—and make that person your mentor. Are you connecting with individuals in your industry? Do you routinely meet with one or two mentors who can answer questions, provide encouragement and nurture your dreams? Make a list of possible mentors, and put them on your calendar. Then, remember to be there when someone new to the industry needs your guidance. Freelance writer and Internet talk show host/producer Carrie Runnals lives by this tip from her father. Here’s what it means: Find someone who shares your passion, has experienced success and is willing to share what he or she knows with you. Learn all you can from that person, and when you’re successful, become a mentor to someone else. Carrie had many careers before her present one as host of the Words to Mouth [...]

24 06, 2008

Develop an excellent support system of mentors and employees.

By |2023-02-07T13:30:24+00:00June 24, 2008|employees, hiring, mentors, Real You Incorporated, support, support system, team|Comments Off on Develop an excellent support system of mentors and employees.

They will become your team. To accomplish this, you’ll need to determine the qualities you want in an employee. Begin by thinking about your heroes. Write down the names of two or three people, past or present, that you admire. Then, list the characteristics that you admire in those people. Are there some commonalities between them? If so, these may be the qualities you want your employees to exhibit. And they will likely be the same qualities that you admire in your mentors. Lisa Cini, president/owner of Mosaic Design Studio, is a great example of how this works. She’s done a fabulous job of developing a strong support system of mentors and employees. “Not only did the mentors allow me to learn from them, but they also provided a safe place to express excitement, fears and concerns,” she says. At the same time, Lisa makes [...]

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