
1 07, 2009

Kindle Lovers… This is for you!

By |2023-02-07T00:27:31+00:00July 1, 2009|business, entrepreneurs, Kindle, Real You Incorporated, Uncategorized, women in business|Comments Off on Kindle Lovers… This is for you!

Amazon’s Kindle allows you to download and read thousands of books, newspapers, magazines and now blogs. This is great news for people like me, who read multiple blogs daily. There are tons of blogs listed in categories ranging from arts and entertainment to business and investing to travel, lifestyle, culture and more. And as of today, the Real You Incorporated blog is also available on Kindle blogs! Other blogs available for download include: The New York Times- Latest News, Huffington Post, The Onion, Seth’s Blog (Seth Godin) and Vanity Fair’s VF Daily Blog, among others. Blogs downloaded via Kindle blogs provide you with full text content and images and are updated wirelessly throughout the day. To learn more, visit and download your Real You Incorporated Kindle blog!

26 06, 2009

Questions to Ask when Beginning a New Job

By |2023-02-07T00:27:52+00:00June 26, 2009|business, entrepreneurs, job descriptions, jobs, learn, mentors, motivation, moving on, new job, positive thinking, Real You Incorporated, smile, speaker, women in business|Comments Off on Questions to Ask when Beginning a New Job

If you’ve earned a new position, congrats! When beginning a new job, it’s important to feel comfortable with the company and your new boss and team. During your first couple of days on the job, ask some of the following questions to help focus your work and set goals. • What are the top priorities for the company and our team? This question is vital to your success. If you think their priorities are XZY but they are really ABC, all of your work may be in vain. Also, ask which projects take top priority. You need to learn to budget your time. • How do you prefer to communicate and approve projects? Establishing a strong communication pattern with your boss will save you endless headaches and wasted time. If your supervisor is not one for interruptions, they may get upset if you keep dropping [...]

25 06, 2009

Here’s the Story of a Lovely Lady…

By |2023-02-07T00:28:10+00:00June 25, 2009|business, entrepreneurs, Real You Incorporated, speaker, women, women in business|Comments Off on Here’s the Story of a Lovely Lady…

…who was bringing up three very lovely girls. For many years Carol Brady was a classic American female icon and many women could and still can relate to her. But while many of us cannot afford to hire our very own housekeeper named Alice, you can now visit! For all you multi-tasking moms and busy entrepreneurs out there, there is a new site to help you save time and money. Eliminating the middleman, allows you to shop directly from the manufacturer to help cut down costs. Other money and time saving features include free shipping (and fuel savings because you don’t have to drive to the store), price comparison charts and coupon clipping with discounts taken off automatically at the checkout. also keeps track of what products you buy and sends you reminders when its time to restock. You are also able [...]

24 06, 2009

Help Save Ohio Libraries

By |2023-02-07T00:28:15+00:00June 24, 2009|business, entrepreneurs, passions, Real You Incorporated, Rouda|Comments Off on Help Save Ohio Libraries

As a book lover and author, this news of library funding cuts breaks my heart, but we can all do our part to save Ohio libraries! What’s happening: On June 19, Ohio Governor Ted Strickland proposed a budget cut that would reduce state funding for public libraries by $227.3 million in 2010 and 2011 fiscal years. This reduction would cut Ohio’s public libraries funding 30 percent in addition to the 20 percent cut due to the decline of the state’s General Revenue Fund. A total 50 percent cut in funding. What it means: As a result, branches may close, hours of operation will be reduced, new book and material orders will be halted and other vital summer reading programs and services would end. With the economic hardships that thousands of Ohioans are facing, trips to the library have provided some relief for families, and I [...]

4 05, 2009

Get some new insight. Expand your mind.

By |2023-02-07T01:48:10+00:00May 4, 2009|business, continuing eduation, entrepreneur, expand, family, Kindle, m2w, read, Real You Incorporated|Comments Off on Get some new insight. Expand your mind.

You are pretty conversant in what you already know, let's hope. Your industry, your hobbies, your kids, your neighborhood. Great. You should be. That's easy. But what have you done lately to expand your mind, your knowledge? How have you challenged yourself? I just attended the Marketing to Women Conference in Chicago for the second year, and I love going because I always learn new things. Because I'm outside of my typical focus on entrepreneurism and real estate, my mind gets a break and a chance to focus and expand via a different channel. Sure, marketing to women is one of my passions, but it's not often I have a chance to mingle and share information with a group of people who share that passion. It's amazingly mind-expanding. And what, you ask, did I learn? Here's just a sampling for your consideration! • Today's women [...]

1 05, 2009

Step into the spotlight.

By |2023-02-07T01:48:22+00:00May 1, 2009|business, entrepreneurs, Fear, ideas, public speaking, snarks, taking centerstage, voice coach|Comments Off on Step into the spotlight.

Here's the thing. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a corporate employee, a SAHM or a college student, the time will come—and it probably has already—when you need to step out of the shadows and into the spotlight to claim your power. This could take the form of not letting somebody else take the credit for your paper, your proposal, your cost-cutting idea. Or, it may require the actual stepping into the spotlight, on stage or at least in a large group meeting. Does that thought terrify you? It did me, for too many years in fact. My fear of public speaking (and its accompanying fear of failure, fear of not being good enough) held me back in my business and in my life in general. It forced me to thrust others into the spotlight to say my words and present my ideas, instead of taking the [...]

24 04, 2009

Say no to time thieves

By |2023-02-07T01:49:16+00:00April 24, 2009|business, goals, kids, phone calls, time management|Comments Off on Say no to time thieves

Make sure you're focusing and not allowing time thieves to take advantage of you! Did you know interruptions consume 28 percent of an average workday? It's true. And interruptions can be even more time-stealing if you're working from home and not setting limits. Case in point: the other day I was working from home. That's typically a great place to work, especially during school hours. But, one of my kids was home sick. She slept most of the time, but still needed checking, food and comfort. Then, I answered the home phone, instead of letting the answering machine grab it. A mom looking for help with the Lacrosse car wash this weekend. And finally, my oldest signed himself out of school and arrived home with a big project. And what time does that leave for the things on my list? None, if I allow that [...]

20 04, 2009

Learn how Successful Women put Personality into Business

By |2023-02-07T01:50:25+00:00April 20, 2009|branding, business, eBook, Kaira Rouda, personal brand, Personality Not Included, Real Living, Rohit Bhatgava, Women on Personality|Comments Off on Learn how Successful Women put Personality into Business

Does your business reflect your personality? My business, Real Living, does—it’s spunky, like me! And it is part of a new eBook that was recently released, called The Personality Project: “Women of Personality”. This free eBook, by Rohit Bhatgava, author of Personality Not Included, features 20 women who have successfully melted their personalities into their businesses. Find out how they did it by downloading it from the Personality Project Web site. Bhatgava is currently accepting submissions from women to be part of the second edition, scheduled to launch in early June. To submit yourself or someone you know, send an email to or post a short introduction to yourself on the wall of the Women of Personality Facebook Group.

16 04, 2009

Coworking Spaces Help Entrepreneurs Connect, Reduce Isolation

By |2023-02-07T01:50:51+00:00April 16, 2009|business, coffee shops, coworking, empowered, entrepreneuership, German Village, home office, isolation, Qwirk, workspace|Comments Off on Coworking Spaces Help Entrepreneurs Connect, Reduce Isolation

If you are like many other women entrepreneurs starting your own business, you are probably working from home. But for those who are use to working in a traditional business setting with lots of co-workers this transition can be isolating. If you miss your co-workers to brainstorm with, the personal connections, and water cooler conversations, my suggestion is to try relocating your office to a coworking space. Coworking is where independent professional elect to work in a shared space. This type of work space always you to get out of the house and socialize with like minded- professionals and eliminates the need to spend hours at a local coffee shop. At most coworking locations, for a monthly fee, you are provided with all the essentials to help you launch and grow your business. To take a further look and see what coworking is all about [...]

9 04, 2009

Empowering Cultures Attract Positive People

By |2023-02-07T01:51:35+00:00April 9, 2009|brand essence, business, company culture, employees, growing business, hiring|Comments Off on Empowering Cultures Attract Positive People

Businesses often go through growing pains. Sometimes good; sometimes bad. And right now, many companies are facing the pressures of having to downsize. However, there are some companies that are prospering and need to hire more employees. To ensure that you hire the best and most well-fitting employees, my advice is to create a great culture; one that is inviting and represents your company’s outlook. Potential employees will use your culture as a guide for gaining insight on your company. And, if you misrepresent your company’s culture, you may end up wasting time interviewing candidates that are not a good fit for your company. To ensure your culture is truly representative of your company’s brand, first take a quick inventory of your surroundings. How would you define the culture you’ve created up to this point? Is it stiff or fun? Casual or crazy? Formal or [...]

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