

Christmas is the time for book deals!

If you peruse the bookshelves -- online or in person -- you'll notice this holiday season, especially online, books are being discounted like crazy! And it's not just indie or hybrid authors' books. Nope, it's everybody's. As a reader, I'm certain this is the most wonderful time of year. As an author, it's scary because I just don't know how new readers will discover my work in the sea of discounts and ever-expanding online bookshelves. [...]

By |December 14, 2014|

Thinking about all things Thanksgiving

But it's hard, because I'm being bombarded by Christmas. Songs, decorations, advertising, everything. I love the holidays, each, in order, but lately, it feels as if Thanksgiving is being completely squeezed out. So, I hope you'll join me in a little crusade to think about Thanksgiving. It's time for an attitude of gratitude. So between now, and Turkey Day, try to be extra thankful for everything in your life. Start with you. Look at yourself [...]

By |November 15, 2014|

Were you ever a baby?

I was a baby. I'm assuming you were, too. If you were lucky enough, your parents could afford to go out to dinner every once in awhile to get a break from, well, you and if not that, they would take you along. And there you'd sit, squeaking, squawcking, being a baby (or toddler) and doing what people like you did at that age. Sometimes, if you were particularly feisty or bored, you might even [...]

By |October 30, 2014|

And now, a fleeting moment of zen

During a walk through my beautiful town of Laguna Beach, California, I stumbled upon this saying artfully presented in the railing along the shore. I thought you might enjoy it, in this fleeting moment. And remember, you will only have this moment once. Enjoy! "In this fleeting moment, what extravagant respite is booming surf speaks its mystical passage across the undreamed depths."

By |September 24, 2014|

Focused on September? I’m thinking about Christmas!

It's funny! I've never written a Christmas story before so when Tule Publishing asked me if Indigo Island could be festive for the holidays, I said of course! You of course have read book 1 -  Weekend with the Tycoon and book 2 - Lines in the Sand and are anxiously awaiting book 3! Right? (Thank you if you said yes!) In addition to MY Christmas story, The Trouble with Christmas, Southern Born Books will [...]

By |September 5, 2014|

This hurts so much

My dog is dying. There, I wrote it. As I type, with tears running down my face, the words blurring in front of my eyes, Oreo my beloved 15 1/2 year old mutt is losing his battle with congestive heart disease.He's now suffering from what the vet thinks is an infection. He coughs constantly. But he still smiles, and wags his tail. He is eating and even barks a bit when somebody comes to the [...]

By |August 27, 2014|


Kaira Rouda Headshot

Kaira is a USA Today, Amazon Charts and International Bestselling Author. For the most updated events and news, follow Kaira on social media.


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