Real You: Author Bonnie Trachtenberg’s inspiration for her new novel
I'm pleased to welcome Bonnie back for her second appearance on my blog. Here, she shares the heart-wrenching and heartwarming tale behind her new novel, Neurotically Yours! When you’ve been battling your way through the dating scene for almost two decades, it’s comforting to know that your many hellish experiences weren’t in vain. In fact, as a writer, they rarely are. I think I subconsciously knew that with each disappointment, each humiliation, I was building [...]
Real You: The treasures that matter in the vaults of life
The truth is, I'm not having a great time with this move. We were relocated due to my husband's job - suddenly - over Thanksgiving and picked a place to live quickly, and for a short-term lease. Now, it's up and we're off. Two things. It's hard to move - for a short-term - a family of six with two dogs and piles of stuff. It's even harder to move - again - five months [...]
Real You: The 7-7-7 Challenge! How fun!
I was tagged by the delightful author Cathleen Holst to participate in the 7-7-7 Challenge which gives readers a sneak peek at some of their favorite authors' latest works! Here are the rules: 1. Go to page 77 of your work-in-progress or latest book. 2. Count down 7 lines. 3. Copy 7 sentences that follow and post them. 4. Tag 7 other authors Here are the seven lines from page 77 of ALL THE DIFFERENCE: [...]
Real You: Authors in Bloom Blog Hop – your clue is here!
I am so excited to be a part of the Authors in Bloom event - and I hope you will find it fun, too. My part of the Authors in Bloom giveaway is a digital copy of both my new novel, ALL THE DIFFERENCE, and my short story, A MOTHER'S DAY. I'd love for you to win those prizes, and of course, to win the grand prize of the blog hop! As part of this [...]
Real You: What makes all the difference to you?
It's funny, the title of my new novel ALL THE DIFFERENCE has been set for years - yes, the years it takes to write, query, face rejection, re-write, more rejection, and well, you get it - but my titles typically don't change. In fact, often when I'm beginning a novel that's all I have. The title and a vague sense of the characters. So I guess, you could say, for my writing life, what makes [...]
Real You: Are you pinning yet?
I have to admit - I'm hooked on Pinterest. I bet, if you try it, you will be, too. It's such a fun way to visualize your dreams, share quotes, favorite things, and still connect. What Pinterest offers is a a lot of smiles, and a huge opportunity to spend/waste more time online, if you look at it that way.What it also offers is a business opportunity. For your personal brand. For your product or [...]
Kaira is a USA Today, Amazon Charts and International Bestselling Author. For the most updated events and news, follow Kaira on social media.