
1 05, 2009

Step into the spotlight.

By |2023-02-07T01:48:22+00:00May 1, 2009|business, entrepreneurs, Fear, ideas, public speaking, snarks, taking centerstage, voice coach|Comments Off on Step into the spotlight.

Here's the thing. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a corporate employee, a SAHM or a college student, the time will come—and it probably has already—when you need to step out of the shadows and into the spotlight to claim your power. This could take the form of not letting somebody else take the credit for your paper, your proposal, your cost-cutting idea. Or, it may require the actual stepping into the spotlight, on stage or at least in a large group meeting. Does that thought terrify you? It did me, for too many years in fact. My fear of public speaking (and its accompanying fear of failure, fear of not being good enough) held me back in my business and in my life in general. It forced me to thrust others into the spotlight to say my words and present my ideas, instead of taking the [...]

23 01, 2009

Never Fear Failure

By |2023-02-07T02:10:24+00:00January 23, 2009|Anne Murray-Randolf, Fear, LORE magazine, perspective, Xerox|Comments Off on Never Fear Failure

Don't be intimidated in tough situations. People can detect fear in your words and actions, so take a deep breath and dismiss your fear of failure. Easier said than done? Remember, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Take a step back and think of this moment over the course of your lifetime. As your perspective widens, your situation will appear less significant in the grand scheme of things. It also helps to have a strong support system—a group that will cheer you on regardless of your successes and failures. Anne Murray-Randolph was a fine arts grad selling Xerox machines for a living. When confronted with a corporate big-wig, Anne was asked to give her 45-minute presentation pitch on copiers in only 20 minutes. Realizing that it would be nearly impossible to cover all of her presentation material in half the amount of time, Anne [...]

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