
20 05, 2009

Of jellyfish, hurt knees, DC, sweet sixteen and the joys of end-of-school

By |2023-02-07T01:46:44+00:00May 20, 2009|busy, end of school year, Graduation, kids, multi-tasking|Comments Off on Of jellyfish, hurt knees, DC, sweet sixteen and the joys of end-of-school

This post will fall into the category of: Oh, my goodness. Is school almost over or what? These last few weeks of the school year feel like a perpetual full-moon, day and night. The kids are: #1 excited for summer, spending more time outside and getting hurt (trampoline + my oldest = bruised knee and two weeks physical therapy at least) Oh, and also planning high school graduation, college, yikes;#2 Anticipating the weekend spent at the lake with good friends, and next week's driver's license test (car + my 16-year-old daughter = lifetime of worry)#3 Enjoying an 8th grade trip to DC (packing + middle son with no dress clothes that fit = late-night sojourn to Target, much consternation, but eventual on-time departure) and will return just in time for his 8th grade Graduation;#4 Hibernating. With sinus infection, missing choir concert tonight and opportunity to [...]

27 05, 2008

It’s never too soon to start preparing for your future as an entrepreneur.

By |2023-02-07T13:31:30+00:00May 27, 2008|Babson College, Center for Women's Leadership, college, graduate, Graduation, Real You Incorporated|Comments Off on It’s never too soon to start preparing for your future as an entrepreneur.

Even if you’re working for someone else, you can begin preparing for entrepreneurship down the road. First, learn to speak up and voice your opinion. That’s why they hired you, and that’s what will help you become a great business person. Next, learn to love meetings. Determine the good and the bad about how the meetings are run. If you see a way that’s more efficient, take that knowledge with you when you start your own venture. Next, find a mentor and learn to network. You never know who could help you move up or help you move on. And finally, take credit for your work—just not in a snarky way. Graduation is upon us, and graduates everywhere are embarking on exciting, new careers. However, a study from the Center for Women’s Leadership at Babson College shows that very few college graduates—especially women—start their own [...]

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